Tame A Beast With A Beast

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(Part of the actual story)

It was training day at the Tower. They all had to partner up for Robin's schedule he had for them today. Robin was with Cyborg, Starfire was with Raven and Terra and Delsin was with Beastboy. "Alright guy's, today we're gonna be training about quick takedowns and self-defense without powers" Robin said. "Ah come on! Without powers I'm just a scared little boy" Beastboy said. Delsin chuckled. "That's why we're training so lets do this!" Robin said as he attacked Cyborg. "Okay so Beastboy, let's fight" Delsin said as he punched Beastboy. But BB dodged it and kicked Delsin in his gut. Delsin then got up and punched him in BB's gut and elbowed him in his forehead. "Owww!" Beastboy said in pain as he fell to the floor. "Beastboy, are you....." Delsin tried to say as he was interrupted by the sounds of grunting and growling. "Im always the weakest link! Im so weak!" Beastboy said as he started growing bigger and getting hairyer. His hands started to turn into claws and his teeth grew sharper. "Um guys, you might want to explain this thing to me?! What happening to Beastboy?!" Delsin said. "That's no longer Beastboy. That's the.... Beast" Raven explained. "So put him down, let's get Beastboy back" Delsin said. "I wish it was like that but the Beast has impenetrable skin, he's really strong, his claws will kill you in a millisecond!" Cyborg said. "Well he's too strong for me.....but I know someone who's not the Beast is not too strong for" Delsin said. "Well who?" Robin asked. Delsin just smirked. "Oh no! No no! You're not gonna do that. You'll get killed! Or you'll kill Beastboy!" Raven said. "Why? What is friend Delsin going to do?" Starfire asked. "He's gonna free his inner self to tame Beastboy!" Terra said. "Are you crazy?! You'll kill us all! Robin said. "Well do you have a better idea. If we get too close, the Beast will kill us all anyways" Delsin said. "Guys, just let him do it. It's the only way" Cyborg said. "Raven, I when I tame him, I want you to be the one to calm me down. The other me will only listen to you" Delsin said. Raven nodded. Delsin then closed his eyes and breathed in and out. He often thought about Reggie and his death. It mostly helped him in situations when he needs the other him. Suddenly, Delsin opened his eyes to reveal the goldish brown color in them. "Aww you guys missed me what a shocker!" Delsin said as his voice changed. "Listen just go over there and tame Beastboy!" Raven said. Delsin turned around and saw the Beast recking the training room. "Whoa! Looks like he's been eating his vegetables!" Delsin said as he walked over to the Beast. "So!..." Delsin said. The Beast turned around and growled at him. ".....I heard that you were the strongest...thing here. Well I just wanted to tell you that you're wrong and I'm gonna take you down!" Delsin said. Suddenly, the Beast attacked Delsin with a claw attack but Delsin blocked it. All the Titans were shocked by what just happened. Even the Beast was confused. No one had ever blocked the Beast attacks! "You probably shouldn't have done that. But I'm glad you did" Delsin said as he punched the Beast and watched him fly to the wall. The Beast got up and went insane. This raging animal charged at Delsin and tackled him. The Beast was scratching and ripping off Delsin's jacket and shirt to see his chest. He had a six pack. Starfire, Raven and Terra couldn't keep thier eyes off his body. Suddenly, Robin covered Starfire's eyes so she wouldn't be hypnotized by Delsin's sexiness. The scars on Delsin's back from the Beast is healing. The Beast is more confused than ever. "You think your the only one who can heal fast!" Delsin said as he gave the Beast a uppercut. The Beast landed on the ground and roared. The Beast tripped Delsin and bit in his neck. Delsin roared in pain. The Titans screamed and expected Delsin's head to be ripped off and rolled on the floor. But there was no head. We looked over to see the Beast had been on the floor knocked out. The Beast's body was decreasing it's size, going back to the loving Beastboy they all know and love. Delsin was on the ground, awake but not moving. His eyes went from goldish brown to greenish blue. He's back! "Friend Beastboy, are you okay?" Starfire asked worried for her friend. "Im alright Star. Im sorry guys, I didn't mean to lose control" Beastboy said. "Ahh! It's okay BB just remember, if you get mad, just breath!" Cyborg said patting Beastboy's shoulder. Everyone went to Delsin to see if he's okay. "Ahhh! My back kills!  But Did it work? Is Beastboy back to normal?" Delsin asked getting up from the floor with the help of Terra. "Yep, the same BB you know and love! Thanks Delsin" Beastboy said. "Anytime BB. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to lay down and wait till my fast healing kicks in" Delsin said as limped to the common room.

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