chapter one

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Dongwoo walked slowly through the school balcony. His bag lazily laid on his shoulder while his Mp3 stucked in his ear. Every step of his was just like the beat of the music that he had been hearing on..

However he would never know. He would never know that someone sneakily followed him from behind. It's been for a while.

"Students all stand up! Good morning teacher!" the monitor of the class greeted the teacher as the teacher walked in casually. the other students followed thee class monitor afterward.

"A boring day again," Dongwoo mumbled as he sat down. Sunggyu the one who sat beside Dongwoo heard his remark and just smirked at his comment.

"You know what? Your whining will never help you to make your day to be unbored yet," Sunggyu teased the other male. Dongwoo just rolled his eyes in annoyance

This two male had been bestfriends for a long time. Not really that long but yes they knew each other very well - inside and out. Since their first year in Wollim Highschool they met and they shared a same interest. FOOD. This pair of friend really loves food. Eating is what they was good at. That is why they make a perfect combination of 'best friend'.

They never kept their secrets to each other. So that was why Sunggyu knew Dongwoo well and Dongwoo knew Sunggyu well too. However, Dongwoo never knew just something that Sunggyu never had intention of telling him. Something that we called it like as love or secret crush.


The bell rang as the breaks startedl. As the teacher when out from the class, the student went out for the break too.The class started to be quiet as there just three of them in class.

Who was the other one? Oh, I just forgot that I didn't introduced one of the important character yet in the class.

It was Howon. The school's best dancer.

"Hey!" Howon or maybe you could called it as Hoya. He prefered it better

"Oh! Hi!" Dongwoo chirped happily.

"Why did you come here? Something to share?" Dongwoo asked. Hoya just looked down to hi shoes. Took a breath before he started to organise a word to come out from his mouth as he was too nervous. His cheeks started to show a hint of pink as he is too shy. He took his right hand behind his neck while rubbing it awkwardly just like he would normally did in front of the latter.

"Umm.. Just want to re- remind you.. About after school," Hoya finally said in courage.

"There is a practice,"

"Oh, that. I know. Don't worry. I wil never forget. I love dancing, remember? I will never miss it and yes, I will come. Just wait for me," Dongwoo said. He never noticed that the male in front him was a blushing mess along with his best friend. Both of them got a red cheeks decorate their face for the 'unknown' reason.

"I..I... I wanna come too as well," afraidly Sunggyu asked. Dongwoo and Hoya looked at him at the same time, leaving the chubby boy embrassed with his sudden reaction. He looked down to his fiddling fingers, playing with it awkwardly.

"Is it okay if I come with you too?"

"Of course!" Dongwoo encouraged. Hoya was a bit disappointed. He thought that he could be with the other male lonely. He had something to say with Dongwoo. It is kind of uneasy to tell that 'important' thing to Doongwoo with Sunggyu around. Hoya wanted to be alone with Dongwoo, his biggest crush but with Sunggyu around that would be awkward. Sunggyu was a good friend but it's not like he wanted to diss Sunggyu out of the relationship cirlcle. He just developed a certain crush on Dongwoo so Sunggyu around meant that he could not confess out his feelings

"Can he? He can come with us right? Just like always," Dongwoo flashed his sweet smile that Hoya can't resist it. As usual Dongwoo's smile was something that we can't worth to buy but it was easy to see it often as it was very angelic. His angelic smile was the best and also could melt the dancer away.

"Uh? I guess it will be okay," Hoya smile awkwardly. He quickly agreed as he did not want to hurt the older. Having the older hurted also hurted him too.

"Oh! That is great. That is why I love you!" Dongwoo said as he gives Hoya a simple hug before he took Sunggyu with him. You could even see clearly that Sunggyu was jealous of Dongwoo when he saw Dongwoo hugs the dancer. Hoya looked at Dongwoo who ran away with Sunggyu, slowly fololwed Dongwoo with his eyes.Hoya still shocked since he heard something that he really wanted to hear from his loved one. He grinned like a stupid high school girl that just met her bias. Like a dumb he walk to the other way and sang any sort of romantic songs that he created himself to tell the world how much he loved the angelic boy. His smile never ran away from his handsome face.

"He said he loves me. I hope that I can hear that from you again," Hoya muttered slowly.

"But that also kind of impossible to do," Hoya sighed down. Knowing that his love only by one side.


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