Chap 38--Newly Mrs. Rabastan Lestrange

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  (A/N: CONT from the end of last chapter. This first part is the memories. And it's regular after the memories are over. Bold: is a memory from Tom. Bold Italics: is between memories/during memories. Italics: Hermione and Tom talking during memories.)

   |The Dark Mistress|

 "Tom, is this—"

"Yes. I wish I could talk to her, but I can not."

"This is only a memory."

    We watched as one of the employes' took baby Tom away to another room, as Merope died in the bed quickly. Her eyes, were closed shut and the sheets pulled over her body. Tom sighed as he stared at the Orphanage women that he grew up hating. The memory faded as we landed into a new one. This time, he was about ten and in his room where he was born in—I notice a younger version of my father coming towards with the top woman employee.

"He does strange things, sir. We can not explain as he tortures the other children." The woman says.

"Helga!" My husband growled. I blankly stare as he shook his head.

"Thank you, Helga. I will take it from here." My father says, before entering the room.

"Why are you here? Are you a doctor? They want me looked at." Tom's younger self says to my father's younger self.

"I am close to one, Tom. You are different and you have special powers that not many people have. I am a wizard. You are too. We have a school that will help you control your magic."

"Show me!"

 My husband quickly moved us away from the door as my father burned the wardrobe by the twin-sized bed. Dumbledore turned the fire off and young Tom did not seem like it was amazing enough—but trusted the old man in front of him.

"We protect those that are ours. I suspect that you return things you have taken because we do not tolerate stealing at Hogwarts."

My younger husband took a box out of the cupboard and spilled all the items from it. He smirked at my father. "I will come by soon to take you to Diagon Alley for your school supplies."

I turned to my husband, who smirked like how his younger self had done. "Almost done."

"I can talk with snakes. They obey and they can talk back. Is that normal?"

"I do not know. We will figure it once school starts." My father left the tiny bedroom as Tom's younger self stared watching the man go.

The memory faded, we landed into another—this time; Hogwarts. A sixteen year old version of my husband, staring up the stairwell as some mediwizards came down with a stretcher. "Myrtle." I gasped as I did not have to ask who it was. Tom had already told me that he killed her with the Basilisk.

"Tom, you should not be out of this time of night." My father says.

"Sorry, sir. I just wanted to see if it was true about the girl."

"Very well, then. Head to your dormitory, Tom."

"Yes, professor." Younger Tom quickly left and down the corridor near the dungeons, opening a door which held a giant—Hagrid! "You killed the girl, Hagrid. Now it's time to pay for what you did with your pet!"

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