Chap 12-- Feeling Love?

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  |Dec 17th 1994|


      I had come to Riddle Manor earlier in our holiday because I physically had no classes. But, Severus convinced Albus to let me leave days prior of the school's official last day.

Severus is excusing himself after classes finished today to be with me tonight.

Tom and I began planning for his resurrection day. Though, he had the portkey plan set in stone. He wanted my help on how the day would go and to torture Harry. As I was ordered to try on a pureblood wedding dress.

"I will be able to touch him then and he will be ours!"

"Yes, My Lord." I say, trying on the wedding dress, on a stand near the back of the parlour. "Tom, is it too much?"

"No, Hermione. It is perfect for a sexy Mistress like yourself." My Dark Husband says, watching me admire the dress. "You will wear it the night I am resurrected because I want it to be like our wedding night. I have not the chance to have you yet, my pet."

The white dress had a laced top, where the sleeves went a bit passed my shoulders that were also laced. The trim was laced going in circle at the bottom. (Pic above ^^). I could tell it was Victorian. Must have been his grandmother's dress.

"We will have a post-wedding since you and Severus been conceiving little death eaters." I nod, seeing the reflection of my husband in the mirror. "A real wedding if you prefer it, my precious Queen. Just you and I. Severus has had his way with you." He sneered, thinking that another man was shagging his Highness. Yet, he had given order for this arrangement with his muggle-born bride.

"I would fancy a wedding, My King." I noticed another dress in the corner. "My Lord, another dress?"

"That is when we trap Potter at Little Hangleton graveyard and you will be wearing that particular wedding dress." It was a modern white wedding dress; a silk cotton and no lace pattern. "I hope you fancy it, My Dark Mistress." I nod. "Good. I must ask of you something, Highness." I nod as I changed into the other dress. "May you tell me about love?" I froze.

"Why do you ask, My Lord?"

"Well, My Queen, I was conceived by a love potion. My mother gave the potion to my father, a horrid muggle, who died thanks to me. Once the potion wore off, he left her. She had no place to go and ended her life at the dreadful mudblood orphanage where I was born. I had been there until Dumbledore came and told me about Hogwarts. Only went to the Orphanage during the summer holiday." He sighs. "I ask because I never had feelings of love, until recently, I have felt different. It is something I never had before. What is love?"

"When two people love each other, they tend to make it work and support each other through everything they have, no matter the cost. It does not matter what one person does, the other supports them and visa versa. Love can be happy all the time or it can have its fights. Love also comes with babies." I see my husband's reflection in the mirror. "A person in love can feel tingly inside their stomach or if the person is the one, the other can only see them out of everyone. Sometimes, people just work well together. Is it the latter, My Lord?"

"I suppose it is, My Lady. I have those tingles in my stomach when we're together." Tom grinned. "Do you feel tingles, Madam Riddle?"

"Yes, Master Riddle. I do. Every time, we're together." I smiled thru the mirror at my husband, The Dark Lord.

The floo sounded. It was Severus. "Welcome home, dear." I glided over to the dungeon bat and kissed his cheek.

"My darling." He instantly wrapped his arm around my waist. "Time for bed, Madam Snape." Severus smirked as a sign for 'next son'.

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