Chap 23--Hermione's Revenge

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         |Sept 1st 1995|

  "Are you ready, darling?" Severus asks, as Ginny finishes puffing my gown. My large belly pressed against my husband's chest.

     I quickly kiss my second husband's cheek. "Yes, dear. Always ready." 

     We walk out into The Malfoy garden. Lucius uniting his son and I, Teddy and Blaise as his mates and Ginny as my bridesmaid. Tom stood facing ahead, never turning to look, unlike Draco had. I felt the water dripping down my legs, oi, not again! Draco took my hand in his, smiling as I smile back.

"I take you Hermione, as my wife forever." As the ring went on my finger, sparks flew round our hands.

"Do you Hermione take Draco as your husband forever?"

"I take you Draco, as my husband forever." As his ring went on his finger, sparks flew round our hands again.

"You may kiss the bride." Lucius says, Draco kissed my lips. Everyone clapped, except for Tom.

    Sweetheart, are you alright?


    Are you frustrated?


"Draco, let's take a walk. Please?"

"Sure, love."

We left the family behind and slowly took a walk together.

"What the bloody hell is the matter with him?"

"I asked him, Drake. He seems upset like he made a mistake." I sobbed.

"I suspect he truly loves you, Hermione. Since you bonded yourselves together in the graveyard, the soul-bond has made you closer. Remember how uncle tried to keep me away from you once he had you, but The Dark Lord told him it does not work like that?"

"Yes, I remember, love." I hold the pain inside. "The Malfoy Graveyard?" The graveyard hid behind trees and a fence, not the Manor or garden insight.

"Father buried mother here. He says The Dark Lord cut her tongue out as she kept screaming and trying to get what she wanted. I denied what she wanted of me, I told her, saying how I love only you now and my Mistress is the one for me."

"Where is her spot?"


"I did not exchange words against your mother and I need to push our babies out immediately!"

"Hermione! Let's go back to the Manor and have our sons there!"

"NO! This is where I want the ground to soak my blood in the only vengeance I have left of her refusal of our marriage!"

"Yes, fine. Come." My husband charmed my wedding dress off and charmed the ground so I could not get dirty.

The ground was freshly ripped from the earth as I knew the dirt had not flatten thru into the ground. Drake called Blaise, instantly he apparated into the Malfoy graveyard.


"Pooh Bear—" I pushed as I heard the cry of my son. Blaise came to my side and held my hand, as he held baby number one in his other arm.

   He noticed the blood between my legs, turned to look on my back support; there a name etched on the gravestone, his eyes widen, then blankly glance at Draco as he tried to speak, but my third husband shook his head at him. 

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