Chap 24--Dumbridge Umbridge

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      (A/N: We all know how annoying Umbridge is, so I have a surprise near the end for us Dumbridge haters! LMAO!! :P ) 



          |Sept 30th 1995|

"Harry, you have to report her! Tell Dumbledore!"

"He is too busy, Hermione. He won't listen."

"I reckon she will get the whole lot of us before the year is over." Ron says as I agreed.

"I must go to the library before curfew." They nodded. "Goodnight."

"Night, Mione." I walk out of the tower and towards the Room of Requirements.

Once I was inside my chambers, I charmed myself to show my pregnant belly. Draco came by my side as I screamed.

**** **** **** **** ****

Twenty-five minutes before midnight, I had finally given birth to twins boys. The second one came out, not breathing and paled. The boys revived him as I held his older brother in my arms.

Santo Dontell Malfoy. Eight pounds and twelve inches.

Finally, I heard a cry from opposite of the room. "Fortino Aldo Malfoy. Fortino means 'fortunate' because he has been given a second chance."

"Eight pounds and thirteen inches, my love."

"He will succeed well in life. I know it is true."

"They both will, Mia. All of the children will." My third husband says, kissing Fortino's forehead.

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   |Oct 7th 1995|

"Umbridge is inspecting potions today, Madam Snape. I need you as The Dark Mistress or bloody someone but, not as Hermione. Tom wants her killed as she believes he is dead."

"Shall we kill her during potions or injury her?"

"We will only mane her and oblivate her mind. Soon, we will kill her."

"I think Tom shall do it. You and I can not risk Azkaban." I hissed.

"Thoughtful, wife. I, dare say, I would never want to—"

"Severus, could we just end her tonight? That woman has done much damage and I can not endure that she hurts Harry during his detentions."

"I suppose we could, darling. Follow her to her office and take her to Riddle Manor."

I quickly changed as The Dark Mistress. "Good, lioness. Stand at this table. I'll have Draco stand with you." I nod as my husband led the students into the classroom. Draco stood by my side as Severus advised, taking my hand into his.

    You are my apprentice today, darling girl.

   Dear, I have not finished my potion lessons.

   I know, but you are too smart. We will finish them soon, my little-know-it-all.

   If I am not pregnant.

    I think it would be sexy, carry your husbands child and brewing potions.

    Not funny, Severus.

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