Chap 5--Orphaned

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        An hour later, Severus and Albus came back from the Headmaster's office, who both looked pale and depressed.

"What is the matter?" I ask Severus, without giving our agreement to Dumbledore.

"Miss. Granger, we have some news for you. It is—"

"Harry? Is he alright?" I was very worried and stood from the couch.

"Yes, he is fine, Miss. Granger." Dumbledore said softly. "I advise you sit for this, Miss. Granger." He nodded to Severus. "I have just receive word from the Ministry, that the muggles found a couple dead in their—"

"NO!" I couldn't feel my legs, as if they were not there anymore. Severus caught me as I fell to the ground. All I knew that they were dead and I needed to cry.

I began to sob against Severus' chest as he held me. "What happened?" My sobs mixed with my question.

"We think a death eater must have done this." Dumbledore turned to Severus. "We need to go now, before they take the bodies away and get you situated in the wizarding world."

Leaving with the floo to his office, McGonagall dressed like a muggle grandmother and we left to the muggle world.

I took them to my home, there were police cars and hospital ambulance trucks parked outside my home.

"Sorry Miss, but you can not pass." Some police officer said.

"I am their daughter! Let me through!" I shouted.

"It's alright, Dean." The new man said, removing the rope from it's place. "Albus. Miss. Granger." The police officer greeted to us, who winked at Dumbledore.

He let us go pass the ropes and into the house, which still looked the same, but the blood was everywhere. The man lead us into the parlour room, there they were laid together, dead!

"I suppose you will be with your professor from now on, Miss. Granger?" I nod.

A muggle walked over to us. "How old are you, dear?"

       Lie to her, Miss. Granger. Dumbledore's voice echoed in my head.

"Sixteen, m'am."

     How was that, professor? I ask him.

    Very good. They will not send you to a muggle orphanage at this age.

"Oh, you are still young. George, she should be in a home." The old woman said to the officer who let us in.

"It is alright, Meg. She has these nice professors who will take her for a bit." The woman glared at Severus. "She is almost seventeen. There is no need for a home to send her to." The old woman nods and walked away.

"I am sorry about her. She only thinks true families should be guidarns of the lost children. But, I make an exception for you, Miss. Granger."

"Thank you, sir." Who was this man and why did he know Dumbledore. "I do need to grab all my things and some of parent's things, if you do not mind."

"Yes, of course, Miss. Granger." My headmaster said as we walked up the stairs to my room.

I gather all my things in bags, as Severus silenced the room. The man named George, began talking to them as I packed.

"She does not look sixteen, Albus. I thought she was thirteen?"

"Hermione has used a time-turner for her classes, aging her the last two months." Dumbledore said, a twinkle in his eye. "She is now seventeen, but in the muggle world, she is considered thirteen. With us now, seventeen."

"I'm a squib, Albus. No one will believe a traitor like me! Her secret safe with me. Those muggles will see a thirteen year old girl."

"Thank you." I check the bags to make sure everything I needed was set. "Why would someone do this to me?" I whispered to myself, but I knew the four of them heard me.

"I think it was a death eater, honest." George says, Albus smiled. "It is not like I forgot the wizarding world all together, Ministry asks for my help sometimes, in exchange for wizarding things—like the Prophet." He turned to me. "Miss. Granger, you have so much more in life. Your parents would be proud." I nod.

"Hermione, are you alright?" Severus says as I stared out the window of my bedroom. He turned his head to look at what I was seeing; a man in death eater robes, hidden behind the large tree, watching me furiously.

"Lucius." Severus muttered, but I heard him. "You stay here! Do not follow me! I'll be back. Minnie, watch her." The potions master left my bedroom, as McGonagall stood next to me, taking Severus' space.

Albus frowned as he nodded. "We must wait. Hermione go get what you want." I nod before noticing Severus apparate next to the giant tree and attack his friend.

After twenty minutes, Snape returned grimly and nodded to Dumbledore. "We will be in the bedroom." He says as McGonagall nods to her headmaster.

George spoke after they left us. "I will fake the chance of you getting a muggle guardian, instead having Minerva or someone in the wizarding world be with you. This is not where you're meant to be, Miss. Granger."

The muggle named Meg came into the kitchen as we packed some things in muggle boxes. "The authorities are here to pick the girl up." George glared at the old woman. "I called them. She needs to be in a home."

"What did I tell you, Meg! She is in school and right now she is about to leave to go back to the boarding school! Tell them that she does not want to go—"

"Not police, George. There are other men out there, in the parlour, waiting to talk to her." I was confused at what the muggle was saying. 

  "Let them in, then!"

The woman let three men into my kitchen, but they were Ministry officials. Fudge and two Magical officers. Albus came into the kitchen with Severus, who stood close length of my back, glaring at Fudge.

"Thank you, Meg." Fudge said, as she left. "Miss. Granger, I want to say with my condolences of the loss of your parents. I am sorry this has happened, though I want to arrange you to live with a wizarding family. You are still under age, honestly, this is best for your safety—"

"She is not underage, Cornelius. Hermione is seventeen." Dumbledore said proudly to the Minister.

       Severus, I thought we were not telling the Ministry.

      I thought that too. I hope this saves you being with a pureblood family.

"Albus, she is not seventeen, look at her! " My headmaster nodded, as I took off the glamour charm. I was two feet taller again, showing my new real age. "Blasted! Insufferable, how could it be!?"

"She asked for triple classes and I gave it to her. She is succeeding in all her classes. In the wizarding world, she is legal. Thus, she will be staying with us during the holidays and summer holiday."

"Very well, I will look pass this situation, Albus. Came to the Ministry before Hogwarts and sign some papers, no not for guardianship. Good day, Professors. Miss. Granger." Fudge left with the workers.

"Finally. I can leave. I got most of everything I wanted." I sigh. "May we go, please?" Albus nodded.

"I will send the other things to Hogwarts, if you need anything at all." The squib said, smiling. 

"Yes, thank you!"

We left for the Ministry, signed the papers that would be legalizing me under Dumbledore and McGonagall. Those processed and we left for Hogwarts. 

I took my things to my dorm and sat up in the bed, thinking of my parents. I miss them. I began to cry. It hurts so much! 

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