Chap 36--New Recruits

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  (A/N: I shortened the scene at the Ministry and changed what really happened because who can watch Sirius die! :'(  Not me, honestly, can never handle it. ) 

|The Dark Mistress| 

          |June 5th 1996|

"Push, mistress." Remus says as Ant held my hand.

 My son was arriving two days early as I have asked because I want to award Sirius and Remus for their covers and how agreeable they were in our Order meeting last week. I have planned to have Sirius' child and then Remy's child to keep the commission going as I instructed.

The sound of a baby crying, proved that my son had arrived finally and Ant could be a father.

"It's a boy, Mistress." Remus says, as Ant kissed my temple.

"Anthony Harold Goldstein the Second."

"Thank you, Mistress." Ant says, holding our son in his arms.

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"It shall be known to The Dark Lord, darling. You should consider your servants wisely as they might turn against us by the end of the war."

"Severus, look how loyal they've become. I do not doubt it for a minute."

"Suit yourself, wife. Do not bother me if they betray you under your own feet." He sneered as Apep tugged to his father's robes. "What is it, son?" Apep stretched his arms to Severus, who hesitated before picking up his son into his arms.

"Aw, Apep!" I tickle my son as he giggled happily.

"He is your son, wife." My husband snickered.

"What are you about, Severus?"

"I am not he and he is not like me. Who tickles their child!? Honestly Madam Snape, I never had this emotional attachment to my father, why inflict him with such nonsense!?"

"He is just an infant, Severus! Apep deserves our love as his parents. His middle is tickle, dear. Do not forget that."

"I do not care to hear what you say, wife. Pray tell, our son will grow up without laughter, giggles or whatever you plan for our son! He is a Snape and he shall serve the Dark Lord as requested."

A knock on our bedchambers indicated that someone had heard us and was asking if we were alright. Severus opened the door, finding Tom who had knocked on our door.

"Severus, my office. Immediately!" My second husband nodded as Tom came and held me close against his chest. "My treasure, are you alright?"

"I am fine, sweetheart. I know all the children will follow you once they are of age, but they are under four years old. They are just children."

"Yes, fun time is now. Once they are fifteen, everything will change." My husband kissed my forehead before leaving to discipline Severus for his actions.

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|June 13th 1996|

   Sirius and I laid in his bed of his shack as we prepared to fight The Order in a few days. We will desire Potter to think Sirius is being tortured by Tom and he will be encouraged to come and face Voldemort to save Sirius. Though, Sirius and I will be here at the Manor delivering our child early as I am not able to fight and Sirius should not be seen in the Ministry, thus to be arrested.

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