Chap 8--Nicknames

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        |Dec 21st 1993| 


        Exams were over. The holidays were in four days and It was time to move into the room of requirements with the three Slytherin boys. I would meet them there after spending time with Severus in his chambers.

"Love, are you sure you'll be alright?" My dungeon bat boyfriend asks, after another snogging session in his bed.

"Yes, Sev. They won't hurt me. I'll have them by my side." I assured the potions master.

"I need you to be safe, darling. You do not know what they are capable of." He sighed, before kissing my lips.

"I love you, Severus. The boys are harmless. If I need you, I'll come stay in bed with you."

"Fine. Stay with those dunderheads, if you prefer it. I love you, my lioness. Please be safe." Severus says, as I pecked the bridge of his nose.

"I am always safe." I climb out of his bed, getting dressed into my muggle clothes, before leaning in and kissing my boyfriend.

"I will not be here for Christmas, love. Dumbledore asks of my service." I frown that I won't see my dungeon love for the holiday. "We will exchange gifts on New Years, darling. I will be back by then. Alright?" Severus had gotten dressed and enclosed my body into his arms.

"Alright." I sigh as I turn away from his dark eyes.

"Lioness, it is only until next week." He growled as his hand lifted my chin to face him. "I love you very much, witch. Do you not trust me!?"

"You know I love you, Severus." I wrap my arms round his neck. "I trust you with all my heart."

"I appreciate that, my darling girl. You do not know how much it means to me, lioness." Severus hands traveled down to my bum.

"I believe in you and I always will." He smirked at my encouragement as I smile.

"Go. They will be worried about you soon." I nod as Severus pulled away from my hold. "Be safe, my darling."

"You too, Severus." I kiss his cheek before I left his chambers.

I made my way to the room of requirements, while entering through the door, someone's hands grab my jumper and pulled my body against theirs.

"Mia, where've you been?" Drakey.

"I was with your godfather, Malfoy. Do not test me." I glared at the blonde Slytherin.

"Sorry Mia. I just worry about you." He released the hem of my jumper. "I care about you, babe." His arm snaked round my waist.

"I care about you too, Drakey." I wrap my arms around his neck. "More than you'll ever know, dear." We kissed passionately, our tongues danced in his mouth. Someone cleared their throat and Draco released my lips from his.

"Oi Malfoy, take the piss! Mia needs Teddy and I too." Blaise scoffed.

"Zabini, how dare you say that to him! I am your mistress and do not speak to your upper in such terms!" I screeched at the dark-skinned wizard.

"Yes, Mistress Mia! I shall never speak such things to you." He kneeled to the ground I worship on and enfolded his arms around my legs. "I am sorry, Mistress!" Blaise sobbed uncontrollably, as Teddy glared at his mate and shook his head.

"Next time, I will not think twice to punish you, Zabini!" I growled at the dark wizard boy.

"Yes, Mistress! I do not want to be punished—" He tightly held onto my ankles as he notice his best friend stand tall next to me. I harshly grabbed a bit of his curls into my hand and pulled him up from his knees. "Draco, I am so—"

"Teddy, care to join me tonight?" Nott nodded, sneering at Blaise as he walked by him. "Draco, stay with him tonight. You are his upper, unlike I." The blonde nods before kissing my cheek. "Night, Zabini. Night, Drakey." I lead Teddy into the bedroom upstairs, closing the door behind us and silencing the room. "I am very tired, Theo." I settle my arms around his torso.

Teddy sneaked his arms around my small frame. "I am too, Mistress." He knew to never cross his girl unlike Blaise.

"I feel like sleeping naked, do you?" I ask my love muffin. He nods as he undresses to his birthday suit. I wave my wand to take off my clothes and slid under the covers with Teddy. "I have nicknames for you lot." I tell him as he pins my naked body close to his. My fourth boyfriend nods happily.

"You are love muffin. Drake is Hot Stuff. Blaise is paws because he is too clingy."

"Love muffin? But Mistress, I am not a muffin."

"You love me, do you not?"

"Yes, Mistress. I love you."

"And muffin because you are so lovable." I kiss his nose. "Goodnight, my love muffin."

"Goodnight, Mistress." Teddy says, protecting my body against his. 

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