Chap 1-- Three New Friends

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   |Sept 1st 1993| 

          |Third POV|:

     Hermione was starting her third year, where she should be taking classes more than needed because she wanted to achieve her schooling before she left.

 "Hermione, time to leave." Her mother called out to her.

"Coming." She walked down the stairs.

"Ready?" Father asked her. She nods and they left to King's Cross.

They arrived at King's Cross. Hermione said goodbye to them before going through the wall between platform 9 and 10. As she walked onto the platform, there she found Harry, Ginny and Ron, waiting by the edge to get on the train.

"Mione!" Ginny shouted across the platform. The Slytherins noticed, glaring at her as she walked by them. Malfoy and two other boys rounded her, smirking.

"Well, if it isn't Granger. I say you sure do look good, mudblood." Malfoy smirked at her. As the other two laughed.

"I want a taste, Draco." Zabini said, licking his lips. "Granger, such a know-it-all and has a bird's nest as her hair." Malfoy sneered at his mate.

"I am Theodore Nott. Nice to meet you, Granger!" Nott smiled at Hermione as Draco shook his head. "What? She never met me before now, Draco. I'm a nice guy, remember?"

"Shut it, Nott! Tosser." Zabini muttered under his breathe.

"Are you trying to irate me? It is not working, boys." All three were confused at her words. "I am tired of the rivalry. I feel very different this year."

Malfoy nodded, Nott and Zabini agreed. "Fine, Granger. We all feel the same. I suppose we can be secret friends—because of the reputations we have." Malfoy says, as Harry shouted at them.

"Yes, I would like that, boys." They smiled. "I need to go. Harry does not look happy." Theodore nods as she leaves with her trolley to get on the train.

What Hermione hadn't known was that the boys were informed by The Dark Lord his plan and they were to follow in two years.

"Hermione, are you alright!? Did those snakes hurt you!?" Harry was furious with Malfoy.

"No, Harry. I handled it." She lied. "They won't be a bother anymore." Hermione lied again.

As the train left the platform, they sat in a compartment together with a professor who seemed to be already sleeping.

Two hours later, she noticed a pale blonde by the compartment door, who nodded for her to follow him.

She excused herself from her friends and followed Draco down two cars. They walked into a compartment, where Nott and Zabini were waiting for them.

Malfoy shut the door with a sticky charm and silencing charm, so no one was to hear them.

"What is going on, Draco?" Hermione asked her new friend.

"This." He pulled her against his body and snogged her face off. "I've fancied you since the first day, Hermione. I had not know how to tell you the truth."

"Aw, Drake. I have too, but since we just became secret friends, lets take things slow, alright?" He nods. She turned to Blaise and Theodore.

"What about you two boys?"

"I fancy you too, Hermione." Blaise says, keeping his hands from touching the girl.

"I adore the way you look, Mione. How wrong to hate you these last two years. You are beautiful, very beautiful." Theo said, having eye contact with her the whole time.

Hermione sat in his lap, his hands on her hips and her arms around his neck. Theo licked her lips with his tongue and she accepted.

A minute later, she heard a whimper next to Theo, it was Blaise who felt lonely without attention. Hermione climbed off of Theo and crawled over to Blaise's lap.

"Aw, poor little boy." The other two snickered. "So lonely." Blaise nodded.

Hermione snogged him for a few seconds before getting off his lap. "Sorry boys, but we should be friends before this gets too intimate between us." Hermione smiled at them, before sitting with Draco.

"We agree, Mione." Draco wrapped his arm around her waist. "Now, about this new friendship. Must discuss, love." She nods.

"We meet secretly after school. Lie to our friends. Pretend to hate each other in class, between classes and wherever is needed."

"I am not sure how we will keep this hidden, but I accept being your new friend." Hermione laughed as Draco followed her lead.

"I have to go back to my compartment. Harry and Ron must be worried where I've been." She kissed his cheek as she got up to leave. "See you later, boys."

They all drooled at her as she left their compartment. 

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