Chap 3--Snogging Sessions

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 |Sept 1993| 

      |Third POV|   

       It was Saturday morning. Today was the day to start helping Snape with his potion research. Oi, not what she wanted, but he was her professor after all.

"Good morning, sir." Hermione said as she entered the classroom. The boys dropped her off after spending their breakfast in the room of hidden things earlier.

 "Ah, I see you brought three Slytherins with you, Miss. Granger." He snickered.

 "We are just dropping her off before going back to the common room, sir." Theodore says, brushing his hand against Hermione's.

 "Thank you, Mr. Nott." He turned to look at his Godson. "Mr. Malfoy, please come by during lunch, as we may need a talk."

 "Yes, sir." Draco gulped. "Come. Mia is in capable hands." The other two nodded, before kissing her hands and walking towards the door. "Tell me if he hurts you, love." Drake kissed her lips, passionately before pinching her bum and leaving with Blaise and Theo.

The door closed behind her as Snape grimly shook the idea of the boys shagging the Gryffindor girl.

 "You are dating my students, Miss. Granger?" Severus sneered, thinking to lecture his godson later at lunch.

 "Not entirely, sir. We befriended each other on the day coming from the train. They all confessed fancying me, though I am tired of fighting and house rivalry—I accepted to be their friend instead. Honest, it is no big deal. I like having friends in different houses—a change of environment."

 "Wonderful to hear, Miss. Granger." She partially nodded, thinking he approved of the friendship. "Now, on to the research. In my chambers, come."

Hermione followed him into the professor's quarters and found his library on the back wall, filled from one end to the other. "We will read every book until we find the answer, Miss Granger."

"What is the potion, sir?" She asked.

"Bonding potion, Miss Granger."

"Sir, there is already a bonding—"

"This is most difficult potion. A different kind of bonding, Miss. Granger. Dumbledore has asked of me to brew this, thus it requires two people to create it." He lied.

             If she only knew the truth, He thought.

  "That is alright, sir. I do not mind." She grabbed a random book from the shelf and started to read.

Severus snickered, but was glad the girl wanted to help on her unknown pending future.

After a few hours in their research, it was already time for lunch.

"You may stay, Miss. Granger. We are to continue afterwards. Draco shall be here soon." Severus ordered his house elf to grab food for them.

A knock at the chamber door. "Come in, Draco." Drake walked into the quarters, nodded to his uncle and noticing Hermione on the couch.

"Mia, you're still here?" He asks, as she nods.

"Miss Granger will be working after lunch is finished." Severus stood from his chair by the fire.

"Draco, I need to ask questions and do answer truthfully. Or I will not hesitate to tell your father." Drake nodded. 'Are you in a relationship with Miss. Granger?"

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