Chap 19--Automatically Engaged?

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A/N: (All the other months weren't that important. Skipping to beginning of June.)


    |June 3rd 1995|

     After I had Apep, I had three more pregnancies with Severus.

May 2nd 1995: Cade Augustus Snape. Eight pounds and five 1/2 inches.

May 17th 1995: Elmore Fabian Snape. Nine pounds and eight inches.

June 1st 1995: Kynaston Carter Snape. Nine pounds and eleven inches.

    That was two days ago. Now I am letting my body heal for the next three and half weeks until Tom is resurrected. I could not wait to feel my King inside my clit and bang me long and hard.

  I was walking around Hogsmeade with Ginny and Harry. I had not seen them much in the last few weeks, because all I do was be in labor. Ginny has kept my secret, though I knew I needed her when the summer came round to keep me company other than my two husbands and three boy toys.

"Snape is behind us, Mione. Why is he following us?" Harry asks, angrily.

"I do not know, Harry. Leave it alone, alright. He is a professor."

"Come on. You and I go into the Quidditch shoppe, Harry." Ginny dragged our friend away to the shoppe.

Once they were gone inside, my husband approached swiftly beside me, waving his wand speaking a spell onto my body, my glamour charm came off and as my hair went from bushy to straight down passed my shoulders.

"Here, love." He handed a pocket mirror. "You do not look like the muggle-born girl three years ago, Madam Snape."

I gasped as my appearance had changed completely, this time you would not have recognized that I was Hermione Granger. I was a new person!

"I do not look like myself! Thank you, dear. It's wonderful. But, why here?"

"You and I are going to have a proper date and we do not want anyone to see a professor and student snogging, do we not, darling?"

"I suppos— Are you ashamed of being with me!?" I huffed. "Are you, Severus!?"

"No, it is not what I meant, my love." He growled. "I love you, Madam Snape! Pray tell, dearest wife, that you realize I am not ashamed of you! If I could only show your true self round Hogsmeade, I would have. But, to the school, you are still a student. Thus, you are not."

"I am sorry, dear. Forgive me?" I wrap my arms round his neck and pecked his lips.

"I could never say no to such beauty as yourself, Mrs. Snape. You are forgiven, my princess." Severus snaked his arm round my petite waist. "Now, that date, wife. Come." He guided us towards The Three Broomsticks, having a lunch date. Oh!

    Very impressive, dear.

   I thought you would like it.

   As we entered I notice my three boy toys in a booth near the back, while my husband glided me a few booths away from the boys. I sat down in the bench of the booth as my husband followed suit beside me. I notice Drake and Blaise staring lovingly as Theodore sighed, I knew they were missing having me in our quarters. But, it would not be until after summer, I would be married to my little boy toys. Severus ordered our lunch, but I had not cared, I was still in healing from all the four pregnancies I had endured the last two months.

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