Chap 10--My Three Sons

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   |July 16th 1994| 


            My husbands and I have done well here at Riddle Manor. I spent a lot time with them, but mostly with Tom. He advise I call him that with personal and once we are alone type of matters. I do not mind, it is better than calling him 'The Dark Lord' every second I am with him. Our second week has started now and I was due for the baby in three days. Severus had become nervous, I could tell. He was only thirty-four and having his first child.

We had been choosing names for the baby, even The Dark Lord was giving his gallons into the bottle. It is an expression.

"I love you, darling." My second husband laid his hand on my large whale belly and kissed it.

"I love you too, Sev." I tangle my left hand with his and rested them together.

Tom's expression saddened as Severus seemed all too happy with our soon birth of his child.

"Master Riddle, we should not gloat in front of you. I am sorry." I turn to husband number two and nod. "Let's retire to our room, dear."

"Madam Riddle, a word with you please?" The Dark Lord says, nodding to Severus to leave the room. "Do we have a future death eater in our mist?"

"I have not found out. We want it as a surprise, Tom." My first husband jested for me to come towards him and I slowly listened as he placed his hand on my enormous belly. "Ah. It is a boy. Nine pounds and eight inches. A future Death Eater."

"He will be, My Lord. I promise he will follow you, Tom." He grinned happily.

"Goodnight, My Lady."

"Goodnight, My Lord." I left the parlour and met Severus in the hallway to go to our room.

~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

I had been in labor all day. My water broke late into the night of the twentieth. Finally after many hours, alone with Severus helping as I gave him his first child.

Today, July 21st 1994, our son was born. Severus Tobias Snape the 2nd. Nine pounds and eight inches. Tom was right.

My son was very difficult to have, but I had my husband by my side. I watched as my son looked up from my arms.

"Hi, baby. It's Mummy." Severus climbed into the space next to me, smiling at his son and kissed my temple.

"Thank you, princess. You did wonderful." He enclosed my arms with his and the other around my shoulders.

"I could not have done it without you, dear." We kissed passionately. "When do we—"

"In four days time. I am sorry as this is not what you planned for our marriage to look like."

"I'll be alright with it as time goes on." I sigh. "I finally have a child and he will keep me sane."

My husband nodded, before slowly taking my son in his own arms. "Hello, little one."

I smile at my husband as I fell asleep from the hard work.

~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~

|July 25th 1994|

Severus and I conceived again...

The baby will be here in two weeks. Tom and I sat in his cushion throne chair by the fireplace and talked of his evil future of us. My second husband was upstairs taking care of our son.

"Once I kill Harry Potter, we will rule the WIzarding World together!" He laughed before coughing.

"Yes, dear." I smile. I am starting to like the idea. "We can not just kill Harry, My Lord. If we do, The light will be able to defeat us. You will be gone." I tried not to cry in front of my boss husband.

"I suppose, Mistress. You are right. We must kill them all!"

"Then we rule the Wizarding World, My Lord." I paused. "What about the muggle world? What do we do with them?" I was raised a muggle, but now I was a proud witch with two loving husbands.

"I have not thought of them, My Lady. One day, we will figure that together. Mostly after I am resurrected, is when we plan the rest of our future."

"Yes, My Lord."

"I have heard that the Triwizard Tournament is being revived and held at Hogwarts this next school year." I read it in the Hogwarts A History book. "Yes, you know about the 1794 accident, I suppose, Madam Riddle." I nod. "I herd my information from a Ministry official and I have another spy going to Hogwarts as a professor. His name Barty Crouch Jr and will impersonate as a known auror Alastor Moody."

"That is a brilliant plan, Tom."

"I know. He will help in getting Harry Potter to me!" He looks up at me. "I do hope my gabbing has not upset you, Dark Mistress."

"No, it is not. I am your wife and I will forever support you, My Lord."

"I have chosen the most honorable and trustful wife."

"Forever I will be." He crackled, kissing my hand and held onto my fingers.

>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>

|August 8th 1994|


"Once more, love." I pushed and pushed.

A cry came from my husband's arms. It was another boy. Eight pounds and seven inches.

Zeus Thomas Snape.

"He's beautiful, darling." Sev says, wrapping our second son in a blanket and handing Zeus into my arms.

"And he is ours." I kiss my husband.

"The Dark Lord will be pleased with the male we are getting, wife."

"Yes. He is already proud of us." Severus nods, before I give our son over to him.

>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>>>

|August 25th 1994|

"Push, love."

I pushed and pushed. We had conceived on the 11th, two weeks ago.

"It's a third boy!"

Trojan Jackson Snape. Nine pounds and ten inches.

    My Lord, another boy.

   Well done, Mistress.

   Thank you, My Lord.

"He is handsome."

"I agree, my darling." My potions master husband says, as he held our son in his arms. "Rest, wife."

I nod to agree before falling into a deep sleep. 

 (A/N: It is The Dark Lord's plan and she must obey the consequences or else. I will try to make it smut enough as time goes on. The story will evolve more after fourth year is over. Sorry.) 

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