Season Finale

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Baldur's screams of blind rage blended in with the loud groaning of the volcano. The whole peak began to shake violently, for it was ready to blow up again. Adder and Devastate began to turn and leave, not at all wanting to stay when the peak does go.

Scarface slowly began to back up away from Baldur who was desperately struggling to get out. His legs were fully inside of the lava, the sizzling of flesh was fairly loud in the heated air.

Baldur's claws left marks on the heated ground, and it was evident that he was not getting out of this one alive.

Scarface continued to watch as Baldur began to sink further and further into the lava. The tyrant continued to fight for his life, much like all individuals who didn't want to die. Baldur's left hand sunk into the ridiculously hot water of lava, his head rested on the heated ground. His callous eyes were lifeless.

He was dead.

Scarface flinched and looked up as lava began to rise up into the air, he quickly left once the volcano shook restlessly.

Going down the volcano, Scarface recalled that he was the one who pushed Baldur into the lava. In some strange way he had defeated Baldur, and avenged Crusher as well.

Scarface managed to leave the volcano, and now he was at the base of it with everyone else. Bloodmaw looked up as lava shot up into the blackened sky, fire in the shape of balls shot out in random directions.

"Let's go!", ordered Bloodmaw as he began to ran back toward camp.

Adder and Lockjaw followed close behind Bloodmaw, Devastate was running alongside Scarface with curious eyes.

"Is Baldur dead?", the behemoth asked Scarface.

Scarface merely nodded in response, as they all continued to run away from the volcano. Devastate looked at him seriously, for he believed in Scarface and his words.

Gambit ran with Belle, they were all back together again. No one died either.

Was it luck? No one knew.

The heavy rumbling was right behind them, fire and lava escaped the maw of the volcano. It's rage could not be stopped.

Scarface felt kind of happy, the fact that Baldur was dead eased him more than anything else in the world. He hoped that Crusher could rest in peace after all it was Baldur who had killed him.

Hopefully things will improve, though the volcano was causing a lot of damage to the environment. It will take years for the damages to recover from such a force of nature.

But it was okay, they could survive it.

As Bloodmaw and everyone else traveled to return to their camp, they all had to think about what to do next. With no water, they couldn't stay in the valley. If Helm and Dingo couldn't find a place either, they were going to have to stay with Dreadtooth.

Just the thought made Bloodmaw uncomfortable.

Bloodmaw slowly came to a stop as he looked back, he took a deep breath once he saw that they were all a good distance away from the volcano. He looked to everyone else, he smiled to see that they were all alive.

Scarface looked back as he thought about Baldur, just recalling the events some what haunted him. To see a living breathing thing slowly die to lava, was just horrific. He was certain that everyone would feel the same as he did if they saw such a scene.

Belle happily hugged Devastate by the nose, her petite form was shaking uncontrollably. She was scared but she prayed that she would see him again.

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