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"Are you sure you didn't want to talk to her?", asked Grim as he looked at Lesion.

Lesion looked at him silently as he replied, "Yeah, she made her choice."

Grim looked at Jr and Fiala before closing his eyes and nodding.

Lesion looked away in silence, he dare not look at Fiala with Jr. Though she tried to talk to him, he couldn't stomach her responses. He honestly still had feelings for her, and just hearing her talk made him want to talk to her. Beg for her to change her mind.

Would it do any good? He doubted it. After all she had made her choice, and he had to respect it. As difficult as it was.

Lesion was learning from Grim for his own reasons, only cause he had vast knowledge about strength and how to fight. Grim never showed fear, and he wanted to be like him. To never cower and take whatever life throws at him.

Though he was missing one of his arms, he didn't want that to hinder him. Not anymore.

Why Fiala chose Jr, he wouldn't know. So he of course assumed why she did so. It had to be because of his missing limb, that and Jr had already made up his mind to be stronger. Though he didn't want to marry her, he decided too.

It affected him more than he thought, that she would pick Jr over him. He couldn't help but see himself as weak to her and his family so that was why he was learning from Grim. He wanted to prove that he was not a failure and that his missing limb had nothing to do with it.

Swiftscale looked down after seeing Fiala with Jr, he honestly didn't know what was going to happen in the future.

The baryoynx couldn't help but be proud of both Lesion and Jr, the both of them were coming into their own. Jr has shown great interest in hunting as well as ambushing. What made him happy was that Jr wanted to learn, and he would always thank him afterwards.

Jr was powerful as well as he was patient. Swiftscale honestly could see Jr being a capable leader, while Lesion was becoming a intimidating force. That was to be expected since he was learning from Grim.

Some days Swiftscale couldn't read Lesion or what was on his mind. That bothered him to be honest. He was so use to Lesion being happy and open, but now he was sort of emotionless.

Swiftscale looked at Bloodmaw who seemed to be more affected by this than he was. Lesion didn't really talk to his father much anymore after the decision was made.

Ebony looked at him with a clearly upset expression, and he looked at her silently in return.

The both of them if not all of the clan was worried about Bloodmaw.

To see their leader so upset was rather heartbreaking. All they could do was pray for things to get better, that one day they could get along again and be a family.

As the clan of Bloodmaw had their own concerns, Hawkeye and his clan were dealing with a major problem. Before the sun had risen over the horizon, they were attacked by the carnivores.

Panic and disarray was all that was happening now. Hawkeye witnessed many of his people die, and all that was left was the two therizinosaurus, Rain, and himself.

The carnivores had came out of no where, and they dodged all of the holes as well. They actually looked to be well organized with a plan unlike the last time when they attacked.

Hawkeye was tied up much like the others who were left, his body was covered in deep cuts and wounds as he looked at his attackers with a cold stare.

Baldur smirked down at him, his red eyes were cruel.  "Looks like the tables have turned."

Sawtooth grinned as he began taking their herbs. "See what happens when we have a plan?"

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