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The clan of Bloodmaw was left with a serious decision to make, and as they look at Bloodmaw did some of them speak.

"We need to find a place that has water, since it is so hot we will need it.", spoke Gambit with his arms crossed. "We also need to keep in mind that some water may not be safe to drink."

Nina looked to the side, "With what happened we need to also be careful. The blind beasts maybe more aggressive than they usually are."

Devastate looked at Bloodmaw, he soon looked to Belle who stood closer to him. "If we went to Dreadtooth what would we expect?"

Bloodmaw looked at him silently, he honestly didn't know what to expect. Dreadtooth would gladly accept him and his clan, but there was something off about him. In all honesty, Dreadtooth rubbed him off in the wrong way.

No sane parent would marry their child off so easily. Sure, different parents did things differently from others, but Dreadtooth saw his daughter as some kind of bargaining chip. He didn't see her as a being, but as a item.

Scarface frowned, "I think it would be best if we find a temporary place, but not be so far away from Dreadtooth. In case things get difficult?"

Dingo and Helm looked at each other before the both of them began walking off. Helm spoke up, "We will look around and see if we can find something."

Bloodmaw nodded as he watched the two of them walk away, "Be careful."

Swiftscale looked at Ebony, he then looked at Bloodmaw. "I guess we start packing?"

Bloodmaw nodded, the decision was made for them to find a place close to Dreadtooth's clan. If they couldn't find any other place then they would have to ask Dreadtooth if they could stay with them.

The more he thought about it, the more Bloodmaw was against it.

Ruby hugged Scarface as everyone began walking back to camp to pack up. "You did that just for me didn't you! To stay near my home for a little while longer!"

Scarface looked at her with a embarrassed expression. "I-I did no such thing..!"

Adder walked ahead and as he glanced back did he narrow his eyes.

Gambit was talking to Nina with a big confident smile, Nina on the other hand was politely smiling though she looked to be a little uncomfortable.

When Nina and Gambit came closer to Adder, did Nina blink as she saw Gambit getting squished by Adder. Nina laughed as she walked beside Adder who nonchalantly replied with a "Oops."

Even though things were bad, it was obvious that everyone was trying to be optimistic about the dire situation that they were in.

Devastate looked at Bloodmaw as he said, "You don't want the clan to be with Dreadtooth do you?"

Bloodmaw looked at him silently, his face shifted to look at Jr who was walking ahead of him with Fiala. "I don't. I don't think I could live with myself if we were to stay with him. It will just cause further problems between me and my children."

Devastate looked to where he was looking, "I can imagine. I use to have a family a while back, family is everything especially in this harsh world."

Belle looked at Devastate silently in surprise, he had never mentioned that he had a family. Her eyes saddened a great deal as she heard this. Even so she felt empowered, she honestly believed that she could make him happy.

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