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Sounds and the cries of different creatures enveloped the slowly approaching noon. Traveling from place to place really did take the time away. Was it worth it? After all, Wraith had little fate in Baldur and his promise.

She didn't feel like he could keep his end of the bargain.

But she told him to trust her, and she didn't know if he did trust her. She had mutations and from what she experienced, everyone wanted to use her for her so called 'gifts'.

Seeing however was believing, and so she will see what will happen.

Scarecrow looked at her as he spoke, "You normally don't care about joining clans."

Wraith didn't look back at him, but what he said was true. Clans normally refuse those with mutations, for they taint the so called 'pure' tradition.

Ever since everyone was becoming aware of their emotions, and actually thinking. Did many individuals pair up with different species thus tainting pure blood. Before when they were senseless eating machines, they stayed to their own species.

Now, things were changing.

It would seem that death and love shared something similar. It mattered not on size or the race.

Anyone can die and anyone can love.

"I don't, but the promise of changing this pathetic world is rather high in my book.", replied Wraith continuing in a calm stride.

Scarecrow was silent at her response.



Wraith hated it all, and she didn't care for anyone else. Why should she? No one has ever showed her any affection or positivity.

Thrash smugly scoffed, "This be a waste of time."

His words made Wraith look back at him in silence, he was probably right. Also, if that was the case why was he tagging along then.

"If you think that, then why are you still here.", replied Wraith in annoyance.

Thrash gave a smirk, "Maybe I'm bored?"

His words made her roll her eyes. This was why she was better off alone.

Though, she had mentioned that it would be until tomorrow when she would arrive to Baldur with the recruits. Now she wanted to get there faster, that way she didn't have to listen to them talk.

The other two were silent now, they were listening in on the words that were shared. Thrash noticed this as he looked at them curiously.

"How do you two feel about this?", Thrash had a good sized smile upon his features when he asked this.

Scarecrow looked at them in interest, while Wraith ignored them and their words.

The brute who had a red face gave a dry grin, "As long as I get to fight who cares."

Thrash smirked, "Razer you always had a knack for combat."

The one who was the size of a spinosaurus was known as Razer. That name Wraith would remember later on, it was best to remember names. If he was to backstab her in the future, she would remember him and give him the worst of experiences.

Razer smirked while looking at the tank of a brute at his side, this individual was somewhat larger than anything else around. His horns made him look like a demon, for they were solid black.

"Juggernaut, is also a fighter.", cackled Razer.

Wraith glanced over her shoulder, once she heard the other ones name.

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