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Devastate was not about to let Smaug do whatever he wanted, but Belle was his top priority. He could keep running, only then to be easily overpowered due to him wasting his energy. The behemoth clicked his tongue, "Belle I have to fight."

Belle looked at him worried, "No!"

The behemoth gave her a comforting smile, "I will return to you. Trust me."

Belle's eyes shook with many emotions, she was so against him fighting again. "I...!"

Devastate continued to run, he got close to a tree as he shifted Belle up and off his back. Belle grabbed a hold of a branch high in the trees. She struggled to get up onto the branch, as she looked down did she see Devastate turn around and stood in front of the tree that Belle was in.

Smaug slowed down, he smirked looking at Devastate. "You won't get away this time."

Devastate bared his fangs, "You're a stubborn bastard."

Smaug looked to his pets who backed down, his massive frame began walking around the rex while he popped his neck. "What is that rat to you rex?"

Devastate growled loudly, "None of your business!?!"

Smaug looked up to where the raptor was, the rex threw her up high into the trees. "I'm curious, why would a rex care so much for a rat?"

Devastate glared hard at Smaug, he charged forward. "Shut up!?!"

Smaug smiled excited for another fight, he right away smacked Devastate in the face once he was close. The sound from the impact was hard enough to make his nose bleed.

The behemoth quickly recovered as he turned around and charged again biting Smaug's neck. A rex fighting against a spinosaurus was a heart pounding experience, both giants had strength and size on their side. However, Smaug had long arms and claws that he could use while Devastate had one arm that did little against Smaug in this fight.

Devastate's powerful jaws did more damage than Smaug's bite as he chomped down hard. Smaug's armor definitely protected him, but it could only take so much from a rex.

Smaug loudly growled as he smacked Devastate in the face, while using his other clawed hand to pull Devastate's mouth from his throat.

Belle watched in suspense and fear, she hated not being able to help Devastate. The behemoth had always done so much for her, and yet she couldn't do the same.

She hated the size difference, she wished she could do more! Belle watched each attack done to Devastate, she flinched at every one of them. The wounds he was getting scared her to no end, if he wasn't careful he could actually die.

Devastate charged at Smaug again, Smaug went for another attack with his right clawed hand. The behemoth predicated this, and opened his mouth catching Smaug's hand.

Smaug's pets watched and restlessly ran around the two fighting brutes.

Smaug made a loud sound of pain, Devastate pulled at Smaug's arm which was in his powerful jaws. Belle blinked when she noticed one of Smaug's pets coming up and biting at Devastate's legs.

Belle felt her entire body shake, she looked down and she stood up. She was not about to let Devastate die, she was going to help him.

Smaug noticed his pets attacking and yelled out, "Back off!?! This is my fight!"

Both pets backed away, Smaug got distracted by his pets long enough for Devastate to bite his chin.

The jaws from Devastate were really doing a number on Smaug, yet the spinosaurus showed no exhaustion. At least not yet.

Dawn Of A New AgeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz