Harsh Truth

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Lies were common in a life such as this, it was not easy to rely on complete strangers. The truth was greatly liked more than a whole bunch of lies, but sometimes the truth hurts more than a deep wound. The thing about a spirit being hurt by the truth was that it would take a long time to recover.

Ebony looked outside, her eyes were slowly scanning the area for any sign of movement.

Swiftscale was busy teaching the youngsters about ambush, of course he was struggling with the youngsters.

"Why do we gotta be quiet!", squeaked Lesion.

"Because, it is important to get the upper hand. When the time comes and you have to hunt, ambushing is a great tactic.", replied Swiftscale.

Jr was close to the ground as he replied, "I feel dumb!"

Swiftscale sighed with a frustrated smile, "You don't have to be close to the ground. Just don't make noise and stand in the trees. Besides, you two are going to be a whole lot bigger so there is no need to be close to the ground!"

Lesion ran into the trees as he popped his head out, "Like this?"

Jr went to run but fell down due to him being close to the ground, but he quickly got back up and ran into the forest pouncing on Lesion. "AMBUSH!?!"

Swiftscale watched as the youngsters wrestled with each other. The baryonyx sighed, "You two are a handful."

Grim was out hunting, Scarface was out with him.

Gambit looked at Deviant as he slept, he however snickered looking at Swiftscale. "Don't give up nanny!"

Swiftscale lifted his head up in a "Hmph!", he clearly didn't listen to Gambit.

Bloodmaw was within the camp, he was looking out for everyone by being there if something were to happen. Though, he did find amusement in watching Swiftscale trying to teach his kids.

Ebony blinked taking notice of something, she tilted her head before looking back at Bloodmaw. "Boss?"

Bloodmaw looked at Ebony before walking over, he looked to where she was looking and he blinked. "Well I'll be."

In the distance two familiars were seen walking together, both of them were kin to the clan of Bloodmaw. Bloodmaw of course walked out, Ebony was right behind him clearly excited.

"Hey!?!", exclaimed Ebony running out to them.

Gambit smiled glad to see that they found others of their clan, Swiftscale looked over curiously before looking at the youngsters who were now chasing one another.

One of the two stopped and looked dumbfounded before quickly approaching Ebony. "Well I'll be damned!?!"

Both of them were the same species as Ebony, but they were both brutes. One of the ceratosaurus stood a head taller than Ebony, he had trike horns on his head.

Bloodmaw chuckled as he walked over, "I thought that everyone was gone."

Ebony stopped as she looked at the others with a big smile, "I was starting to think the worst!"

"Same, Dingo and I thought that you guys didn't pull through!", replied the brute who looked back at the one called Dingo.

Bloodmaw looked back to the camp as he spoke, "Like we would die so easily? Besides, we found three brutes who have been a literal god send."

Ebony laughed, "He finally found a worthy guy to tutor his sons!"

Dingo laughed his hide was a light brown, with light red. "I thought I was the tutor!"

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