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The peak was alive as it shook the ground lightly, the heat that escaped was almost similar to the sun as the heat continued to increase. Many were taking notice of the volcano, and the wrath it was bringing upon the lands.

Steam. Fire. Ashes. Heat. Lava.

All of these things were causing a lot of harm, damaging trees and entering bodies of water making it unsafe to drink.

Baldur didn't seem to be scared as he approached the peak, his smirk was visible upon his maw. To him it was a perfect place to use to and kill a traitor.

Razer looked around taking notice of dead bodies of those who didn't escape the volcanoes rage. The bodies were those who were blind and were caught up in the volcanic crossfire.

The closer Baldur's clan was to the volcano, the more damage they would see. Along with it, the more danger they were walking into.

Juggernaut looked around, the fumes of the ashes and soot was beginning to irritate his eyes and sense of smell. "How much closer are we getting?", he asked with a irritated tone.

"We are going to the top.", replied Baldur who looked excited. His red eyes were taking the color of the fire around them.

Sawtooth looked around, his eyes were focused on the destruction that the peak has caused. This eruption was pretty bad, but of course this volcano was always known for its unspeakable rage. His eyes looked at the others, most of them from what he could see were showing a bit of fear.

That was a normal response, after all they all knew how unpredictable a volcano was.

"Let's keep going.", chuckled Baldur clearly unfazed by the danger.

As he continued forward, the rest slowly followed.

"Devastate! Wait!", yelled Bloodmaw who was following after him.

The behemoth was walking forward rather recklessly, he was looking forward with clear determination. He was not going to wait around while something happens to Belle.

Bloodmaw looked back as he continued to follow Devastate, it would seem a few of the clan had followed after them. While some stayed back to wait for Helm and Dingo.

It was close to being nighttime, and that was evident as the darkness slowly closed in around them. The blind beasts were awfully quiet which was a surprise, since they always made their calls during the night.

"Devastate, Stop for a second.", spoke Bloodmaw in a serious tone. "Let's wait for the others."

The behemoth blinked as he slowed down to a stop, though he was hesitant to fully stop. He looked forward with a uneasy expression.

Bloodmaw looked at Devastate silently before looking back waiting for the others to catch up.

"Thanks for waiting.", heaved out a tired Gambit.

Bloodmaw looked at him with a small smile, he looked up as he noticed Adder walking up with Scarface. "Ruby let you go?"

Scarface sort of smiled, "I snuck away."

Bloodmaw blinked and he chuckled lightly, "Lord help you when you return."

Scarface sort of smiled again at his remark, Ruby was pretty scary when she got mad.

"Grim said he would watch the clan while you are gone.", spoke Adder as he looked at Bloodmaw.

Bloodmaw nodded to him, feeling at ease that Grim was watching over things. He would probably carry out the move as well once Helm and Dingo were to return.

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