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The battle was set to happen and no one could stop it, Devastate looked at the two behemoths before him. Baldur smirked clearly not afraid of the outcome, he seemed confident in his skills. Crusher on the other hand stood tall and proud, the crown he wore was a symbol of his strength and intelligence.

Out of both giants, Baldur was the first to move. His claws were extended for they were ready for the battle. Crusher looked ready as he met him half way, a loud impact of muscle against muscle appeared. A large maw that belonged to Crusher sunk deep into the side of Baldur's throat.

A smirk plastered itself upon his maw as Baldur returned the favor. The sounds of flesh being punctured was a distinct sound. They all have heard it. Crusher let out a sound of obvious pain, while Baldur made none.

Lifting his clawed hands, Baldur took a hold of Crusher's mouth as he brought him down to the ground hard. The crown that was firmly upon Crusher's cranium had fallen to the ground. The rough jerking movements have been the cause for the crown to fall.

Crusher's already bloody maw raised up as he clearly fought back though he was on the ground. Grabbing a hold of Baldur's left hand did he refuse to let go. Baldur gave a light laugh with no hint of pain whatsoever. Crusher valiantly stood back up biting Baldur upon his throat after letting go of the hand he had, the leader of the clan strongly choked slammed him to the ground by using his powerful jaws.

The dirt was some what kicked up as they fought, the ground still moist from the rain. Devastate could only watch as these two fight, and so did everyone else who watched. No one wished to interfere with the battle that the two were having. This was a battle to decide who would be the next leader.

Baldur smirked standing up, his neck matched Crusher's for it was bleeding a lot. "That all you got?", scoffed Baldur who lunged forward. Crusher clicked his tongue in a quiet hiss as he lunged forward as well.

Baldur snapped his jaws onto Crusher's neck, Crusher crushed his jaws upon Baldur's. The blood that fell came from wounds seemed to grow in size with each bite. Baldur changed it up as he moved his mouth away as Crusher went to bite.

All in a instant, Baldur's unforgivable jaws snapped onto Crusher's head. His fangs sinking into the leaders skull, and his clawed hands placed themselves on either side of his mouth. Crusher roared in agony and rage, but that sound all of a sudden ceased as a loud snap occurred.

Baldur let go of the slowly going limp Crusher, the mighty leader tried to remain on his feet before gravity claimed his massive size. With a loud thud Crusher laid on the ground, his eyes slowly began to fade in color as life slowly drained from them.

Baldur smirked with his neck and arm badly bloody but he showed no pain. Everyone of the clan was stunned, the moment that some saw Crusher fall did they leave in a hurry. Devastate couldn't believe his eyes, Crusher was defeated!

The trail seemed to long for Scarface but he continued on, his face showed the concern that he had. The raptor followed at his heels before picking up on a scent. "Blood?"

Scarface blinked having now noticed the scent, as the forest began to fade he saw familiar figures in the distance. Sawtooth stood there like a statue. What had happened to make him freeze like that?

Scarface looked at the figures and his eyes grew wide, he saw Devastate but what shocked him was that Crusher was upon the floor not at all moving.

"No way...", spoke Scarface looking like he had lost something important. The leader was dead, and that only meant that the new leader was that rogue.

The raptor frowned sourly, "We should go."

The clan was pretty much done at this point, everything that they had done was over. Never had they thought that Crusher would fall in battle. Scarface slowly looked at the raptor and he looked back at the scene in front of him.

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