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It all happened violently fast, the force of such an attack would be engraved into Baldur's mind. Sawtooth looked like a frozen statue as he watched what was happening, everyone within the clan was also stunned as they stopped what they were doing.

Baldur's head was inside of Devastate's powerful jaws, one of his fangs had punctured Baldur's left eye which was the reason for his shrill cry.

The blood that poured out from Baldur's head was a sign of how hard Devastate was biting and digging his fangs into his flesh.

Crusher's skull which was on Devastate's head seemed to be getting revenge onto Baldur as well for the fangs upon the top jaw were also into the brute.

"GET OFF ME!?!", roared Baldur violently for the loss of his eye was bringing forth his anger.

Devastate opened his mouth only to clamp down hard on the same spot, a distinct chomp was heard after. Baldur's anger doubled due to him not letting go.

No one said a word, nor did anyone help the leader.

The only downside of being a tyrant, when you are being attacked no one would come to their rescue. Furthermore, to see someone attack the leader would bring new found fear.

You would have to be crazy to attack Baldur, in this case it was not because of insanity more so it was out of rage.

Devastate showing his strength slung Baldur to the side, his fangs scraping along the left side of Baldur's face. A loud thud erupted when Baldur hit the floor, everyone moved out of the way.

There was a deep silence that filled the air, the top of Crusher's skull had flung off and landed ironically near Baldur.

Heavy amounts of blood poured from Baldur's face, he clearly didn't feel pain but the loss of his eye had no doubt startled him.

Lifting his head he looked up and saw no one, Devastate had fled when he had the chance and after such a attack he hurried to Belle.

Baldur snarled loudly as he stood up, "FIND HIM!?! KILL HIM!?!"

His thunderous command made many flinch as some ran after Devastate.

The lower jaw of Crusher had fell off of Devastate the moment he ran to his nest where Belle was. The night would bring a new fear upon the one who had attacked Baldur.

This would bring on hell, and Devastate knew it.

Belle looked at Devastate with such kindness but she noticed something was wrong from how fast Devastate was running.

"What is going on?", she asked.

Devastate didn't stop, he moved his head down as he carefully maneuvered Belle onto his massive head while still running, "We are leaving! Hold on!"

"Whoa!", exclaimed Belle as she was moved onto Devastate's head.

Devastate was running into the trees, and the heavy shrubbery. The branches would break to his strength and size. Belle held onto him with her head down in order to dodge the many branches and leaves.

Devastate blinked and turned quickly as three brutes came out in front of him. "Damn!"

The three brutes had Baldur's marks, he was no doubt after him. If Baldur got his claws on him he would surely die, and Belle would surely suffer the same fate.

Seeing a large fallen tree that separated two lands did he quickly ran onto it, Belle looked behind with wide eyes. "Oh no!"

Devastate glanced behind him to see Baldur charging in on him. "Shit!"

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