“New York,” I said more to myself than him. “If I say I don’t want to go?”

     “Then I’m not going. I’m not going without you,” He informed me.

     I couldn’t believe he thought I would leave Maryland. Maryland is my home or at least it used to be.

     “I should get dressed for our breakfast guest get her.”

     I got off the stool to exit the kitchen but before I could get out the kitchen Chris said, “Wait.” I stopped in the doorway and faced him.”Shanay I don’t have to move. You are more important.”

     “Where you ever going to talk to me about this?”

     I think I should have some say in this discussion. Don’t I?

     “You gave me separation papers at the time so you opinion didn’t matter,” he retorted.

     “Well maybe I should just send those papers in and then you will be free to go to New York,” I hollered at him.

     I wasn’t mad I was just sad. Chris could be leaving. I don’t understand what that means for our marriage if we were trying to work things out. We are supposed to be rekindling the flames. Why are we rekindling when he’s leaving? What’s the point?

     Chris turned off the stove and step back. I could see anger in his eyes.

     “What do you want me to do Shay?” He hollered. “I don’t want to be free of you.” He folded his arms. “Do you want to be married to me? Just answer that one question. I can’t try to make this work if you don’t want to. I can’t force you to stay or love me.”

     I didn’t get to answer his question because the doorbell rang. I ran up the stairs to get ready. By the time I showered, did my hair, and put on some clothes they already ate. I grabbed a plate and joined them in the dining room, where Nicole introduced me to Michael Hall. Nicole just met Michael but they were chatting like they were long lost friends. They were laughing and making jokes. I thought this was for Logan and Chris to get to know Michael. It seemed like Nicole was the only one getting to know him.

     “You’re originally from New York?” Nicole asked with a big smile showing her perfect teeth.

     Nicole was actually flirting with him too. She was sticking her breast out from under her tank top. She was batting her long eye lashes like she had dust in her eyes.

     “Yea. I moved here when I was 21 and I’ve been dying for a reason to go back.” Michael said flirting back.

     I could tell these two were differently attracted to each other. Nicole is single but I wasn’t sure if Michael was. I didn’t see a wedding ring but I did see a light ring around his ring finger. Maybe he was divorced.

     “Are you single?” I asked bluntly. I was just looking out for Nicole.

     “My wife died a few years ago,” He informed me.

     I felt like an ass after he said that.

     “Sorry to hear that,” I said then went back to my pancakes.

      Nicole and Michael continued to talk for what seemed like hours but it was actually thirty minutes. I think Logan and Chris were getting a little tired of Nicole and Michael’s flirting. Chris invited Logan and Michael into his office at the back of the house. Nicole and I could tell we were not invited so we staid seated at the dining room table.

     “Someone has a crash,” I joked.

     “He’s sexy,” she said as her eyes lit up.

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