You'll be tested

Beginne am Anfang

"Cairo, more exactly Museum of Cairo" Yoongi replied

"Egypt" Jin said "But what happened there?"

"It seems like a robbery, at least that's what the police is saying"

"What's missing?" Jimin asked

"A few antiques, nothing especial. Except for this one thing that the police don't even know was in the museum"

"Tutankhamun map" I said worried

Yoongi laughs "Yes, but the police haven't noticed yet, and I don't think they do"

"What kind of map?" MoonByul asked "And why the police don't know about it?"

"You know that story about Tutankhamun being the strongest man on earth? Well it was because he possessed all four power stones" I replied "He hide the stones once he realized that having that much of a power used the wrong way wasn't good for the world. See, having the stones makes you powerful but not immortal, so when he felt like his time was near he decide to hide them and hide the map as well"

They all nodded at what I said

"It has been hidden on Tutankhamun's gold mask. But now it's all broken and obviously no one expected that maybe something could be inside of it so, it's the perfect crime" Yoongi almost whispered the last part.

"I'll go now. Yongsun is waiting for me outside" he said before ending the call

"That was a sweet way to say goodbye" Hwasa said sarcastically "And why was Solar waiting for him outside?"

"Probably because they didn't wanted anyone to know that they were inside, maybe Yoongi was using the shadows to hide himself" Jimin replied aggressively

"OK EVERYONE, let's focus on finding the stones and protect the one that we have" Jin said glaring at Hwasa, she just nodded softly

"Good news is we have an advantage. He don't know that we already have one stone so hopefully he try to find this one first, so we can arrive to the other ones first" I said "Now, everyone keep working to find those stones!!"

"We already have a clue of where the blue stone could be" Jhope said "Byul find a clue that take us all the way to the amazonas"

"Take an amphibious vehicle, you're going to need one that can handle earth and water" I told him "And be extremely careful there ok"

They both nodded and were about to leave when I stopped them "Hobi"

He turned and smiled "Yeah, I forgot"

"The rest of you take all your things because You have to go to the  warehouse with them. Jhope's the only one that can open black holes, and you'll be comfortable there" I told them before turning to Jin who was smiling at me.

They all nodded and picked all their belongings

Then I heard Jhope yelling 

"We'll go on 10" 


Hey loves

I hope you liked this chapter, I added a bit of NamJin for you :)

Keep voting and commenting because I love reading what you have to say

Love you all <3


Oh and by the way for all your BangtanMoo thirst I just started a new fanfic starring Yoongi and Solar, if you want to check it out is in my profile.

Oh and by the way for all your BangtanMoo thirst I just started a new fanfic starring Yoongi and Solar, if you want to check it out is in my profile

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