I looked to the door, took a deep breath and knocked softly "Elliot?".

Elliot's P.O.V (back to Elliot)

Evie and I quickly began to walk.

"Should we go to the Curtis's house?" She asked softly.

I shook my head frantically "no, I can't go back there tonight. I'll go to Bucks house and see if I can stay there then call Darry. You go on home okay"

"Are you sure Ell? I can stay with you" she offered.

"No it's fine, Dallas will be there" I nodded and smiled sadly.

She sighed and pulled me to her, hugging me softly "it'll be alright doll".

I was taken by surprise when she pulled me to her but I melted into her arms and hugged her back "thanks Evie" I said and we pulled apart.

"Get some sleep tonight alright" she said and waved to me as she began to go the other way and to her house.

I couldn't just walk at this hour so I decided to take a run. I mean I didn't really want to but if by any chance I ran into the Socs ... I would be better off running.

I ran til I reached Bucks house and by the time I got there my cheeks were wet and my eyes were probably glossy.

I wiped my face and walked inside, hiding my face as best as possible.

"Hey Buck, Dallas. Do you mind if I stay here tonight?" I said, trying not to sniffle.

"Yeah sure" Buck answered.

"Ella, you alright?" Dallas asked, standing up.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I'm answered, trying to keep the whining sound out of my voice.

He walked over to me and grabbed me by the shoulder, turning him around to face him.

His face went from concerned to angry. His eyes did that thing when they got dark and whenever that happened you knew it was really bad.

"That son of a bitch didn't I tell him" he hissed and went to grab the door knob.

I slapped his hand away from the door "not today ... I mean not at all okay. Leave it alone Dallas I'm okay" I said, small sobs interrupting some of my words.

He took a deep breath "not now but, only because you said so" he said and backed up a little bit.

"I'm gonna try to get some sleep" I nodded and waved them off, running up the stairs and into the room I stayed in last time.

I turned off the lights and plopped down in the bed. The only thing I wanted right now was to fall asleep. But of course my body wouldn't let me, instead I laid down and just like that the tears came running down my face.

I laid there for about fifteen minutes before I heard the door downstairs open and a few muffled voices.

I really hope that wasn't who I thought. After about 5ish minutes of hearing the two people argue there was a small knock on my door.

"Elliot?" He said and I immediately knew who it was.

I didn't answer, I didn't wanna talk to him why couldn't he understand that.

"Elliot listen to me please" he took a deep breath.

I stayed quiet but I knew I had to say something. "Leave me alone" I croaked out.

"Elliot, I'm not leaving you like this" he said through the door "that day you visited me at the DX ... Sandy called me and asked me to see her because she needed to say something important. I told her no, because of you ... she called me two more times because she said it was that important so on the third call I finally agreed. She told me she wanted her and I to have some closure. She told me you were good for me" I heard his back slide down against the door so he was leaning against the door and sitting on the floor.

He was quiet for a moment "and she's right Cherry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't wanna worry ya"

I got up out of the bed and walked to the door, opening it quickly. He fell back but quickly scrambled up to his feet.

"You didn't wanna worry me?" I hissed "Soda you worry me everyday. When you're at work I worry about you. I've never worried about anyone more than I worry about you" I said.

He looked taken back "Cherry I-" he began again but I cut him off.

"Just leave!" I sobbed and shoved him back a bit.

He grabbed me wrists and looked at me with his soft blue eyes.

"I love you" he said softly and looked over and away from me.

He looked back to me "I love you Cherry" He repeated "I'm sorry"

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

He looked back to me "I love you Cherry" He repeated "I'm sorry".

I froze for a moment. I'm Elliot Winston, I didn't know how to love. In fact I don't think anyone's ever told me they love me.

I looked at him and his blue eyes with his dark brown hair slicked back with grease and sweat was swept across his face "Soda ... I love you too" I said.

"Cherry ... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" he said and furrowed his eyebrows.

He softly let go of my wrists and pulled me to him by my waist.

I leaned my head into his shoulder and pressed my hands against his chest. "I've never told anyone I love you" I whispered.

I could hear the smile in his voice "I'm honored to be the first person".

He was a bit sweaty but he was warm as always and there's no where I'd rather be than in his arms right now.

I pressed my lips together and thought about what I was about to do before pulling away. I looked up to him and held my hand out for him to take.

He took my hand and I pulled him into my room, closing the door behind us.

Midnight Cigarettes ; The Outsiders fanfic {UNEDITED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin