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The hospital seemed deserted; a far cry from what Katya had remembered it to be from her last visit. Walking down the halls, only few people could be seen, wanting to be attended to or waiting to be attended to.

Maybe it was the time of day, maybe there weren't many people today who were sick or maybe, just maybe, it was one of those days that people decided to look to a higher power for healing.

Whatever the case was, Katya should have been happy that she didn't have to bump into a crowd, especially with what had brought her here in the first place.

But in a funny sort of way she wasn't.

As Katya scanned the hall, she felt a sudden sense of loneliness, even fear, her dream continuously replaying itself over and over again. In here, she felt her dream might play itself out, in these lonely halls, these halls devoid of its usual occupants, because much as she wasn't one for crowds, there was safety in number,

Seeing the doctor took two minutes or possibly less. How could it not, when patients were scarce, and the doctors had nothing to busy their time with, except of course, for those who used their work environment to catch up on a gossip or two.

"Please have a seat Miss May," the doctor gestured to a chair opposite where she stood, her dirty blond hair hung loose on her shoulders today, making her facial features a lot warmer and approachable.

"Thank you," Katya managed a smile, as she closed the door behind her and came up to where the doctor had gestured, sitting down with in resignation, her eyes all the while on the doctor, who herself had just sat down and was opening a file in front of her.

"Miss May, I have good news and not so good news," the doctor looked up from the file at Katya, her eyes not betraying the slightest hint of what she was about to say, the smile she had formerly worn to greet Katya at her arrival, still faintly visible.

"Bad news?" Katya sat up, her breath quickening, as she clasped her hands together. What bad news could there possibly be? Eric had already told her the supposedly good news, but he hadn't mentioned any bad news or bad findings in her results. Was there something wrong with the life that was growing inside of her?

The doctor smiled, as her hand tucked away stray strands of hair hovering idly in front of her face to the back of her ear. "I didn't say bad news, I said not so good news Miss May. Anyway-," she continued, closing the file as she put her arms on the table, "the not so good news is that your red blood count is quite low and that must explain why you have been having headaches and dizzy spells."

"Oh!" Katya had her full attention on the doctor now.

"You might need to modify your diet to include foods that will build your blood count, because from what I have seen so far-," the doctor paused and opened the file again, then using her index finger to tap a specific part of the paper in the file, continued, eyes still on the paper before her, "-you do not have any ailment that could have caused a drop in your red blood count."

"Then why don't I have enough blood in my body," Katya was shaking her head in unbelief, as her hand rubbed her furrowed brows.

Slapping the file shut, the doctor looked up at Katya. "Lifestyle can affect our white and red blood count. If you are on a diet of crackers and sodas, then don't expect your body to be at its best performance. From what I can tell, you need to invest in a proper balanced diet that will build your blood and give you adequate immunity for when you will need it- especially now that you are with child."

"T-that's the good news I suppose," Katya feigned a smile, one that seemed very well played considering the doctor lit up into a broad smile.

"Yes, you are pregnant. And it is imperative you take care of your body for you and your child."

King of Mine: Book 1 In the King Of Mine Series)Where stories live. Discover now