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With trembling hands, Katya leaned towards the window and drew it to a close, securing both its latches on the top and bottom of its frame. Katya doubted that those latches even served their purpose- how else was Eric able to enter into her bedroom.

Katya stood by the window, her eyes fixed on the darkness of the night, her breathing hurried and fast as her mind tried to make sense of what she had just heard.

The wind tapped mercilessly on the window, rattling its frame, but Katya was too deep in thought to appreciate the rhythm of the winds tap on glass or the fact that standing in front of a window at this time of night without blinds shielding it wasn't the wisest of things to do, given the fact that with the cover of night, anyone might be spying on her through the view the window gave- like Eric.

Katya took in a long breathe and blew it out through her mouth, the hot air she had exhaled forming a small cloudy patch on the window.

Sadness wouldn't be the best word to describe how she was feeling, because if there was a word to describe the pain and confusion she was going through at the moment, sadness would definitely not fit its description.

It was bad enough that the agency had made her life a living hell for the past one month with their endless stalking and house-breaking. It was hellish that she had to deal with a hot-cold boss whose agenda she couldn't quite place. It was criminal that even the agency had doubts about her identity. But now, Eric had come and declared that her very existence was a lie.

Lie in what way? Eric never did say, except to lead her on a goose chase, the subject in question being her brother.

Dear sweet Adrian!

Adrian who had always been there for her, how could he possibly be tied up to this mess she was in.

Eric seemed so sure and had instructed Katya to watch out for an excuse from Adrian. Eric was sure Adrian for whatever reason he hadn't disclosed, wouldn't come – but how? How could Eric know that for a fact? Was Adrian a bad guy who had put his sister in this loop? For what reason? What connection did Eric have with Adrian to know his schedule or his plans for that matter?

What the heck was going on?

Tears trickled down her face as she sniffed in the mucus that was threatening to run down her nose, pursing her lips as she did.

Working in Wilson and Wilson had been a disaster from the get-go. And now, as if her troubles weren't way over her head, she had to deal with yet another set of worries; the search for the lie she had been told she was living in.

What about her life was a lie? Eric had inferred that her entire life was a lie. But how? And how was it possible that she had met Tara? When? Where?

Katya shook her head as she rested it on her left shoulder, a headache having begun to make her head throb without mercy.

Walking away from the window, Katya stopped suddenly, walked back to the window and drew the curtains together, covering completely any visibility her bare window gave to any onlooker on the other side of the window.

To think her window gave easy access into her room gave Katya the shivers. If one couldn't be safe in one's own home, then where in the world could one be guaranteed of safety.

Shaking her head, Katya walked to the bathroom and closed the door shut, leaning against the wooden door, exasperated and unsure of what her next course of action should be.

If Adrian failed to show up...

Katya didn't even want to think of that possibility.

Peeling off her clothes, she turned on the shower tap and entered the shower chamber almost halfheartedly.

King of Mine: Book 1 In the King Of Mine Series)Where stories live. Discover now