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By the time Katya and her new boss got to the office, it was past ten in the morning and Katya couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It had been an uncomfortable five minutes' drive from the country club to Wilson and Wilson.

Katya had sat at the back of the Pathfinder with Damien King only because he had specifically asked her to. She would rather have sat in front with the driver.

All through the drive, Damien King had worked on his iPad, silently, not so much as a look in Katya's direction.

As soon as the car came to a halt outside the entrance into Wilson and Wilson, Katya almost flew out of the car. She knew better than to act in that manner, but with Damien King she was sure she would be pardoned any lapses in good manners she might exhibit in his company; the man was not the easiest person to be around with.

Stepping into the elevator, Damien King stepped aside to allow her entrance first, and Katya had to acknowledge that as high and lofty as he might be, he was still a gentleman. But she wondered how long she would be able to work for him if in his presence, she was constantly walking on egg shells.

As he leaned to tap on the elevator button, Katya inhaled his musky smell, and for a second she closed her eyes and imagined, a scenario in which being here  together at this minute, they were not  employer and employee, but partners, even lovers.

Katya's eyes popped right open as she stole a glance at him. He seemed lost in thought, his eyes directed at the elevator doors, but not focused on them.

No. Damien King and her as lovers? Surely not. What an impossible scenario for many reasons, the number one reason being that she was not in his league and he was certainly not the kind of man she would fall in love with.

But who was the type of man she would fall in love with when she had never fallen in love before, a fact that she had hidden from everyone, except Moya her bestie.

Katya had gone out with Patrick during law school to keep up appearances, but as soon as he wanted to become intimate, she quickly cut him off lying to him that she had found someone else. Truth was,  she couldn't see herself engaging in any kind of exchange of bodily fluids with him.

Yuk! The thought of that alone was disgusting. She had decided after Patrick not to waste her time going out with any man until the right man came along.

Katya had read enough books to imagine what being in love would be like, and she knew the real thing would be special, precious even.

She had heard her friends gush about love, their love seemingly available to every Tom Dick and Harry they so much as smiled at and Katya didn't think a feeling as strong as love should be available to every man or woman who waltzed through one's life.

She honestly believed that not everyone in one's life was stationed for very strong emotions. Some were just meant to spend a short time in one's life, for a person to learn a lesson or two and move on.

Just like relationships between men and women, Katya felt that not every relationship between a man and a woman had to necessarily end in love. Some relationships were for platonic friendship, others for sexual satisfaction and some even to help create a distraction to help mend a broken heart.

However, Katya dared not share her philosophy with her friends. As far as she was concerned, if love was indeed something special to be experienced between two people , how was it possible then that that some people became Santa clause with it, giving it to anyone who dared to share their bed. Sex surely should never equate to love, or could it?

Katya snapped out of her thought voyage as she felt a tap on her shoulder; it was Damien King stepping out of the elevator, leaving the blushing Katya scurrying after him.

King of Mine: Book 1 In the King Of Mine Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora