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"How is this possible," Katya gulped, unconsciously taking a step back, her breathing laboured and forced.

"Hello Katya...." Alex's boss stood up and placed both hands on the desk. "Good to see you again."

Katya tried to open her mouth but her lips stayed glued as her eyes blinked rapidly.

"How..." Katya began then paused, unable to form words in her mouth. How was this possible?

'Simple! As Alex has briefed you, this is an undercover agency created to expose and bring to justice criminals from the highest strata in society." The figure motioned for Katya to sit on one of the chairs opposite the desk. "Sit! We have much to talk about."

Katya looked at Alex who was looking at her with a blank expression-less face, her eyes not betraying any thoughts that she might have. "Sit Katya."

Katya clutched her bag tightly, as she walked over to the chair and sat down, all the while not breaking eye contact with Alex's boss.

"I see you are surprised to see me here?" Well, operatives of our organization are everywhere. We try to blend in with the crowd so we can work effectively, without interference," Alex's boss continued, leaning on the recliner with both elbows firmly rooted on the desk and fingers of both hands entwined.

Katya swallowed hard. Never in a million years would she have expected the boss of a secret service agency to be the person who sat opposite her. This was the same man she had become attracted to, the same man she might have considered going out with.

Alex's boss continued, unperturbed by Katya's disturbed look and trembling hands that fidgeted uncontrollably with the straps of her bag. "We have been watching you for a while, about a month before you were employed in Wilson and Wilson."

"About my employment, was it you that orchestrated that?" Katya asked, her curiosity peaked.

"Guilty as charged," Alex's boss affirmed, expression as non-descriptive as a statue, motioning with his head to Alex, who had been standing all this while.

Alex drew the chair next to Katya, and sat down, adjusting her white top so that it didn't hug her tight as she assumed a sitting position. "I planted the dailies for the job vacancy in the hands of your friend Abu."

Katya shook her head in bewilderment. Of course it was all becoming clear now. "But...but why? What is it you want from me?" The question she had been wanting to ask since the whole nightmare began was finally being channeled to the right people.

Alex's boss was sitting down now and was twirling from side to side on the armchair, arms positioned on the armrest, with a facial expression like before; unreadable

"We want you because of her."

"Tara?" Katya asked, brow raised, as she gritted her teeth silently. 'Curse that damn woman!'

"Yes, Tara. Tara, as Alex must have told you was planted in Wilson and Wilson to extract vital information about the firm's not so transparent business dealings," he cleared her throat and then continued, "However, and quite unfortunately too, Tara seems to have gone deep."

"Deep?" Katya frowned, getting confused.

"Deep is the terminology we use for agents who feel their cover has been blown and go underground for a while until they can resurface into society and blend in, or who need to go under to get to the root of a conspiracy."

'So..." Katya began, looking perplexed. "You are not really sure of what has happened to Tara? Does this mean she could actually be...?"

"Dead?"...Alex's boss finished the sentence, then breaking into a half smile continued, "No, she is alive and we have proof."

King of Mine: Book 1 In the King Of Mine Series)Where stories live. Discover now