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It had been three weeks, three long weeks of nothingness. In these three weeks, Katya had felt her world as she knew it crumple to a thing of nothingness; one void of hope, joy and anything that made living meaningful.

Eric had gone rogue, had disappeared without a trace or word. Three whole weeks, he seemed to have vanished without a trace. Without the means to contact him, Katya became scared, unsure of the faith that might have befallen Eric. Had he gone mute intentionally? Was he busy on an assignment for the agency? Or had the agency discovered his ploy to reveal Tara's whereabouts to her and had silenced him? Was he even alive?

A shiver raced through Katya's slim frame as she tried to erase anything remotely implying that something sinister had happened to her informant.

This of course had left Katya restless, miserable and quite uncomfortable, considering she had to carry on the charade that all was well.

In the three weeks that Eric had vanished, Adrian had called almost a dozen times, asking about her health and state of mind. Katya had tried to sound as normal as possible, still trying to come to terms with the fact that the man who was talking to her, her dear brother, was actually a humotic, a stranger assigned to play a brother's role in her life.

How in the world could she contact Eric? The lady who Eric had sent to relay their appointment three weeks ago, was nowhere to be found and Katya had no information on the department she worked in. Even if she was an agent, which Katya was sure she was, she still had to be assigned to a specific place in Wilson and Wilson. But where?

Wilson and Wilson was a massive place that comprised of over fifty offices on four floors; how in the world was Katya supposed to navigate through four flours and fifty offices looking for a stranger she fleetingly crossed paths with three weeks ago? And to make matters worse, she had been having dizzy spells and feeling nauseous for a couple of days now, and so, going from office to office was definitely out of the question.

Who could she ask without raising any kind of suspicion? Felix had become the only friend she had in the office but even then, after what Eric had told her, she found herself being guarded around everyone, Moya included.

Moya had remarked that Katya seemed withdrawn, but Katya had assured her that she was just in a lousy mood because of all that had happened to her since she began working in Wilson and Wilson.

Moya of course could relate to what her friend was saying, and had given Katya the space she felt her friend needed to process things, and so came up with excuses on why she couldn't spend more nights with Katya.

Without Moya, the apartment had become lonely and somewhat empty, save for bamboo who would flap his wings in excitement every time Katya returned home for work. But even the cheerfulness that bamboo used to display had diminished; why, Katya wasn't sure.

She did know that pets, birds and animals alike, were sensitive to their owner's moods and were affected to a large extent by the moods their owners exhibited. But try as she may, Katya couldn't lift off the gloom that had overshadowed her very existence.

But then, who could blame her. This wasn't just some random bad luck she was experiencing. This was a major shakedown in the life she knew. Was she even Katya? Was that her name or was it the name the agency had come up with when they wiped off her memories. Was she a lawyer? Did she go to law school?

Katya sighed, as she sat on her office chair, its squeaky sounds as she spun it around annoying her on a different level than what she would term as normal. These days, she had become quite irritable and worse still, the nausea didn't help matters.

"Damn it all!" Katya spat as she swirled the chair around and shot a dark look at the new security camera that had been installed in her office.

Katya couldn't help but grin as she looked at it. The new camera had been placed way higher than the last one and at an angle that made it almost unreachable for destruction; one would have to be basketball player to be able to fling anything that would reach its new height.

King of Mine: Book 1 In the King Of Mine Series)Where stories live. Discover now