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Katya wept.

The realization of the whole fiasco of the night before that spilled truths that had been hidden for over two decades had taken a toll on Katya, and though it was the break of dawn, the time of morning that the birds joyously chirped and sang, filling the air with the wonder of a new day, for Katya it signaled a new chapter of her life, one that had already began with uncertainty and pain

This revelation had changed the dynamics of things, and for sure life as she knew it with her family would never be the same.

Getting out of bed, she took a quick look at the alarm clock she had slammed when it began ringing almost over thirty minutes ago; it was still turned over, its glass face lying face down on the side table.

Katya picked it up and turned it right side up; it was five past six, still quite early in the morning.

Katya turned to her left side, and seeing Moya snoring quietly and sound asleep, heaved a sigh of relief. The trauma of last night had made her crawl into bed and sort of black out, without thought for what Moya would eat or how she was fairing.

Katya squinted her eyes as the sharp rays of the early morning sun hit her eyes, the sun's rays seemingly vying for the attention of early risers.

"Good morning babe. Some night huh!"

Katya spun around and was greeted by Moya's half open eyes, her lips trying desperately to curve into a smile. "Oops! Sorry I woke you up."

'Not at all. I've been awake since that thing,"...Moya pointed at the alarm clock as she sat up in bed, "...began ringing. You should get a more soothing alarm clock babe. This thing is a nightmare," Moya hissed, wiping off the drool that had caked and had formed a zig zag line from the corner of her lips down to her chin.

"That's the whole idea. If I get an alarm that sounds nice, it'll only make me want to sleep the more," Katya got up and stretched, both arms lifted above her head as she tilted her body to the left and then to the right. Truth was, it had become a habit to do these early morning stretches otherwise, with the crappy mood she was in, exercise was the last thing on her mind.

"Katya? Everything alright?"

"Huh?" Katya dropped her arms to her side and rose an eye brow at her friend.

"I heard you crying last night, but you were on the phone and I figured I best let you be, you know," Moya shifted, using her hands to propel her forward until she was sitting at the edge of the bed, close to where Katya stood.

Katya's eyes popped open. Had Moya heard the conversation she had had with her parents?

She hoped not.

While Moya was her bestie, she needed to solve the puzzle of her true identity before divulging all to Moya.

" squabble, you know," Katya answered, slowly, looking intently at Moya to see if there was a hint in her eyes that she had heard all that had transpired last night.

"You sure? Normally I would have eavesdropped," Moya chuckled, then continued, "...But as you remember, I was in a hopeless state myself."

'Thank you God!' Katya silently thought.

Katya knew that after what her parents had told her, it would take a while for her to get her life back into order, and the last thing she needed now was for any sympathy from Moya or anyone else for that matter.

"I know you, little miss really, it was just some offish thing that my mum did," Katya laughed nervously as she walked to her wardrobe and began to go through the clothes on the hangers.

King of Mine: Book 1 In the King Of Mine Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя