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Katya curled up on the couch, heavy drops of sweat trickling down her face as her mind spiraled out of control, rummaging through its compartmentalized storehouse of thoughts.

Poor Zadda.

What could have happened to her? Katya had wanted to ask the strange man who had picked up her phone but then, he asked for her name. Who was that man who picked up the call? Why was he even with Zadda's phone?

A shiver ran through Katya's spine as she tried to picture the million and one things that the strange man had referred to as an 'accident'.

Katya wrapped her arms around her shoulders as tears rolled down her eyes, bouncing off her cheeks onto her arms. She hadn't known Zadda for long, in fact she wouldn't call the few minutes they spent together as 'knowing' her.

Yet, from the little encounter she had had with Zadda, she knew she was a nice person even though Damien King had termed her as a 'nut-job', Katya knew that deep down Zadda had nothing but good intentions.

Katya wiped her face with the back of her hand, and sniffed in deeply as a sob threatened to force its way up.

This was not the life she had envisaged for herself; a life of tears and fear, living each day on the edge, never sure of the day's outcome.

Katya heard a loud knock on the front door and then shook her head, spinning around to face her door.

The knock continued, slowly at first and then its intensity increasing as its sound grew louder.

Katya peeled herself off the couch, dragging her legs almost forcefully to the door. This wasn't the type of day she wanted to entertain any visitor, no matter who it was.

Opening the door slowly, she felt the person at the other side of the door push the door forcefully, almost slamming the door into her face.

"Hey! You are back home already," Moya exclaimed, as she brushed past the disheveled Katya and entered the living room. "I kept trying to push the key you gave me into the keyhole but it wouldn't budge!"

"Yeah, sorry mine was already in the keyhole, sorry," Katya murmured, as she closed the front and went back to the couch.

"What's up with you? Why the moody face?" Moya asked, her hands clutching on the sides of her waist, as she narrowed her eyes.

"Zadda was in an accident...I don't know if she is even alive," Katya sniffled, pursing her lips to the side as she tucked her legs underneath the throw pillow on the couch.

"Huh? Who is Zadda?

"She's ..." Katya looked up at her friend and suddenly realized that she hadn't met Zadda until today and as such Moya would have no way of knowing who Zadda was.

"Sit..." she motioned Moya to the couch, then continued, "let me tell you about what happened today."

Moya sat by her friend and listened as Katya narrated the happenings of the day, nodding every once in a while.

"Hmm, what a strange occurrence. It's rather fishy that after she says she wants to tell you about Tara she has an accident," Tara reasoned, as she rubbed hard on her chin.

"But who could have known that she came into the study to talk to me?" Katya said gloomily, desperation in her voice.

"According to you, your boss knew, so it's possible that someone else in that house also knew she was in the study with you." Moya reasoned.

"Even if what you say is true, why would anyone go to that length to silence Zadda?"

"It must be something they don't want you finding out about," Moya said quietly, and then turning fully to Katya, squinted her eyes as her brows furrowed, "think Katya, was there anyone acting all strange when those women were yapping about Tara?"

King of Mine: Book 1 In the King Of Mine Series)Where stories live. Discover now