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Katya stood in Damien King's office, as she watched him talk rapidly and animatedly on the phone. His secretary had ushered her into Damien King's office over five minutes ago and she had been standing in front of him like some mannequin doll all this while.

In all this time, he hadn't given Katya a glance and had carried on with his phone conversation as though she was an unwanted roach he needed to swat.

'Damn the consequences and just walk out! After all, you want to get the hell out of this firm!' Katya's inner voice advised. But Katya wouldn't move from the spot she had been standing on. No matter how rude he had become, it shouldn't make her condescend to his level to become manner-less.

For as long as she was still under his employment, she would still accord him the respect that was due him, whether he deserved it or not.

But damn him! He was hotter than hot.

Katya shook her head, her eyes dancing around the room, avoiding any contact with his eyes.

"So-"he had dropped his mobile on the desk in front of him as he turned to face Katya. "What do you have to say about this unbecoming character of yours?"

Katya bit her lip, unsure of how to reply. Was this really the same man that had made love to her and had touched her so passionately?

Katya held both hands behind her back, looked at her boss eyeball to eyeball and said very clearly, " I have come in today to hand in my resignation letter."

There! She had said it! To bloody hell with Damien King and Wilson and Wilson.

Damien King was silent, not uttering a single word or sound, his face not betraying any emotion that Katya was hoping would surface, no matter how hardened he was.

Then he spoke, as he rose up from his recliner. "Is that what you really want?"

Katya sighed. Of course that wasn't what she really wanted. But resigning seemed like the only way out.


"Does this have anything to do with- you and I?" He was still standing, his fingers tapping quietly on the desk.

Katya gave his long fingers a quick look and let her eyes travel up to his well chiseled chin, then to his eyes. "No," she lied, too ashamed to admit the truth.

"Are you sure about that Katya?" Damien King probed, as he withdrew his fingers from the desk and rolled them in a fist.

Katya saw that, and wondered whether he had made a fist because he was upset or because he wanted to punch her lights out.

"Yes, I-I'm sure," Katya stuttered, watching him very closely, her hands leaving her back and clutching hard on her hand bag. She was mad but also frightened that Damien King could become violent. After all he had a history of a missing wife, what led to her disappearance, no one quite knew.
Damien King nodded his head, as his eyes dimmed until it was only a hint of his iris that showed. Then slowly he eased away from where he was standing, and slowly began walking towards Katya.

Katya trembled and began taking steps backwards, her palms breaking out in sweat.

Damien King stopped and looked at Katya with a raised brow. "What's the matter? Are you now afraid of me?"

Katya hadn't the words.

What could she say? Was she to tell him that hours earlier his arms had felt like the safest place in the world, but now, in his presence she felt as though he was capable of causing her more harm than good.

He stood studying Katya, his expression unreadable. Katya felt beads of sweat threaten to roll down her face, as her eyes looked at her boss with heightened suspicion.

King of Mine: Book 1 In the King Of Mine Series)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu