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The locksmith came back almost an hour after Damien King had left Katya's apartment, carrying along with him brand new locks that looked more expensive than the doors they were to be fitted on.

This time however, as the locksmith went from room to room fixing the new locks, Katya glued herself to the couch in the living room, her mind too troubled and too confused to be involved in the bothersome task of following the locksmith from room to room.

What had just happened between Damien King and her? What was this strange desire that took over her senses when she felt his body, his lips on hers? And as though she wasn't plagued by enough guilt that she allowed herself get suckered into that moment, now she had a new set of emotions to deal with- shame and embarrassment. He had stopped the kiss and walked out on her, leaving her there vulnerable and like a pathetic over-eager teenager who had just experienced her first kiss.

Oh the shame of it all!

How could she face him after today? What words would she say to him to heal her wounded pride?

Katya found her fingers tracing her lips, the feel of his lips still resonating on her lips. He was a fantastic kisser, taking captive his lover's lips and engulfing it in his, sucking and kissing every inch of its flesh.

Katya had kissed a couple of guys in her time, some really good at the act, but all paled in comparison to Damien King.

A shiver ran through her spine as she wrapped her arms around her body, the feel of the closeness of his body on hers still very fresh in her mind. His body had felt firm yet gentle, possessing her body in the most demanding yet delicate of manners. She had felt her body sink into his, the surge of emotions she was feeling like no other.

"My work here is done, Ma'am," the locksmith announced. He was standing in Katya's living room, toolbox in hand, and jacket still slung to his back.

"Thank you so much," Katya got up from the couch and walked him to the front door.

"Let me know if you have any trouble with any of the locks. They are new and sometimes can have a glitch or two," he said, as he walked out her living room.

"Will do. Thanks again," Katya called out as she closed the front door behind her.

As she walked back to the couch to sit on it, she heard the beep of a text message. Katya got up and walked into her room, and picked her phone where  it had been hibernating for the past couple of hours.

Katya smiled as she scrolled through the new message on her phone; her father had sent the money for the new locks.

'Good ole dad," she chuckled. Her father never broke promise, no matter what. That was the one quality he had that endeared Katya the most to him. Even if it meant him going to the moon and back, Professor May always made sure he fulfilled his promises.

'Time to go shopping,' Katya said out loud, the cloud of confusion that had overshadowed her moments earlier, gently lifting.

Katya would of course tell her father that her boss had taken it upon himself to have her locks changed, at the company's expense and she knew her father would never ask for a refund of the money he had sent to his daughter .

This of course meant that she had some cash to spend on useful things pending when her first salary came in; that was if she would continue to work for Damien King. After the kiss they shared, maybe he would rethink their working relationship.

Katya bit her lip hard. Why did she have to kiss him back? Why couldn't she have walked away or feigned a headache. Surely that would have put an end to the kiss or even prevented its start to begin with.

King of Mine: Book 1 In the King Of Mine Series)Where stories live. Discover now