Come back

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Jasmine must've have been feeling relieved being in Jun's arms again since she woke up late this morning.

"Hey there, sleepy head. Did you get enough rest?" Murmured Jun in his soft caring voice.

Oddly enough, she did. She still felt the sting of her aches and pains but she felt good somehow. She gave a nod of her head. Too groggy to form words.

"I cooked breakfast." Continued Jun with a deep breath. "But it had gone cold by now." He made a beeline of his eyes to the kitchen where Jasmine's cold plate sat. "But I know what would make you feel better."

The bright smile on Jun's lips was a refreshing sight. She had forgotten how his shapely lips formed into a perfect curl each time.

"A handful of pain medication?"

"That and coffee?" Answered Jun handing her a fresh cup of coffee. He had to go back to fetch some painkillers kissing Jasmine on her lips as he gets back.

"I made a decision." Said Jun suddenly.

Jasmine lifted her brows. "What decision?"

"I figured it would be best to get you away from this place."

Jasmine stared at him soundlessly.

"The city." Jun clarified. "I figured it would be for both of our interests. You don't need to be anywhere near my family and my brothers needs to stay out of my business."

That would be great, Jasmine thought. "But how are you going to get away from your brothers when all three of you share equal ownership to the company?"

Jun grinned and took the place beside her in bed. "I've already thought of it. I will sell my part of the company and move away where they can't reach me."

"Seemed easier said than done."

Jasmine knew how powerful the brothers are. Their last name alone was enough to send shivers down every business rivals' spines. Plus the threat Yuan made to her. How he could easily ruin her reputation and her life. There's no doubt Yuan can make that happen in a snap.

"What if Yuan doesn't let you? What if Hoon put a stop to the sale?"

But Jun isn't afraid of his brothers at all.

"Then we'll just walk away. Either way, third of the company belongs to me. I don't think there's anything they could do if I refused to do my job. If anything, they'll probably would rather buy me out."


Later that afternoon, Jun had to leave the apartment citing about some business he had to take care of. Jasmine thought not much of it since that was his normal routine. Being one of the executives from one of the biggest companies in the country meant having no free time at all. He told her he's going to make it up to her later that evening by having a nice meal delivered to his apartment. Jun gave her a kiss before he left.

It surprised her to hear a ding at the door only an hour later. That couldn't be Jun back already? She thought nothing of it and ignored the door.

After some time, another ding on the door sounded.

She ignored that too.

Then there was hard knocking. It wasn't too aggressive but it was a kind of knock that meant to grab your attention. She got up then. Her first instinct was to check on Jun's security system but she does not know much about it. She knew it was located by the front door and by the time she walked up to it, her eyes were widening.

On the other side of the door was Hoon. He stood there alone, wearing a long elegant coat. Jasmine pressed her finger on the microphone button on the security screen to speak. "Hoon?"

Hoon's chin lifted to the camera situated just above the door frame. There was a sigh of relief but there's also something else etched on his face. Jasmine couldn't tell what it is but was right along the edge of panic.

"Jasmine." Hoon spoke to the camera. "I knew I'll find you here."

"What're you doing here? Jun is not home."

Hoon didn't come there to see Jun. "You need to come home."

She felt appalled. After everything that happened, he has the audacity to ask her to come back. She doesn't even know where he had gone to when he left her all alone that day.

"I swear to god. I won't let him come near you again."

"Too late, Hoon. It already happened."

"I'm sorry, Jasmine. I didn't know I was going to get so sick. There's no way I would have left you on your own."

Silence. Jasmine didn't know what to say. She had no idea Hoon was sick that day.

"I made arrangements to purchase a property elsewhere." Hoon continued. "We'll move as far away as you want."

His voice was so sincere that Jasmine felt her heart sting. "You don't need to do that. You have no responsibility to protect me. I am your employee, Hoon."

It sounded like a rejection already.

Hoon leaned into the door. He found it frustrating to have to talk to her through a communication device. "Let me in, Jasmine. I need to talk to you."

The tide of her stress rose. As if she's not dealing with enough. Just when Jasmine thought that she wanted nothing to do with the brothers. Here they are, popping back into her life one by one.

She opened the door.

The first thing Hoon did is wrap his arms around her in relief. He squeezed her tight. "Thank god. I was so worried. I thought I'll never find you."

She let out a small laugh. She found it hilarious somehow. "Well, you found me in your first stop, right?"

Only because he knew Jun had came home. What if Jun had not? He wouldn't even know where to start.

He soon released her from his hug and clasped his hand on her wrist. "Let's go."

Jasmine wasn't going to allow that. She stood glued to her spot. "I can't Hoon. I'm not going back to your place."

Hoon pulled at her again but Jasmine refused. "No, I don't want to." She pulled back. "Let go."

Hoon didn't let go and pulled her back again towards him. Before long, they found themselves pulling on each other.

"Let go." She demanded.

Hoon wasn't used to not getting his demands granted. He's raised with servants and company men that would bend over backwards to please him. He found it hard to release her. "Jas, please."

She still refused.

He knew it wasn't going to be easy, so before she could open her mouth again, Hoon pulled her and this time, it was to kiss her.

Jasmines In JuneWhere stories live. Discover now