Yuan's visit

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Jasmine busied herself doing other things around the house while Hoon retreated back to his private office. 

She made sure she checked on him from time to time without actually disturbing him, peeking between the crack of his door he left purposely ajar. He likes to know she's moving around the house, he enjoys seeing her walking back and forth the halls. Her presence has a soothing effect on him and found it comforting that she's there with him.

Jasmine was in the kitchen preparing Hoon fresh brewed tea when she noticed a man walking through the pathway from the main mansion. He wore a long black coat. He's lean and yet intimidating, he walked with such elegance that one would think he may have been an emperor in his previous life.

She knew right away even without meeting this man that he's family. The confidence and assurance in his gait reminded her of Jun. 

Yuan knocked on the door while Jasmine rushed from the kitchen to get to the door. She opened the door to him, his broad shoulders almost the width of the door frame, Yuan casted her a downward stare that Jasmine couldn't help but sink under the pressure of his powerful glare.

Yuan has such command and such overwhelming presence that he's used to people reacting to him this way.

Yuan entered without as much as a word and stalked all the way to Hoon's bedroom, he knocked once and pushed the door wider - moving to Hoon's private office once he realized Hoon wasn't there. 

He knocked gently on Hoon's private office seeing the flicker of his computer screen. "Hoon..." Yuan's voice is a soft flow of affection. 

"Gege..." Hoon twisted, seeing his older brother at the door. 

"We missed you at the conference this afternoon."

Hoon rummaged through his mind. He had completely forgotten all about it. It was a surprise nothing on his computer popped reminding him of the meeting. 

"I completely forgot all about it, gege." He pinched the tip of his nose and rubbed his dry eyes. He knew why he'd forgotten about it, he'd been too preoccupied by his new housekeeping aid that he found it mildly hard to concentrate. 

"That's strange, you never miss a conference." Yuan let himself in the room and took the seat across the table. 

"It must've been the new drugs they prescribed me. It still left me very groggy."

Yuan pressed his lips thin, his elegant eyes assessing his brother. "Well, you do look tired." He relaxed into his seat. "How are you feeling?"

Crap, Hoon felt like utter crap and it shows on his face. "Well you know, it takes a while to recover after an hospitalization."

Yuan did not argue. "You best get plenty of rest then."

Easier said than done, Hoon thought. 

"By the way," Yuan shifted on his seat tensing his spine, his facial structure became more business like as well. "The construction for the new skybase in Taiwan is almost done. We need to send someone to inspect the facility and make sure it's up to our company's standards."

Hoon could only think of sending Jun. He knew Yuan's subtle way of telling him something without making it seem like a direct order but such travel is impossible due to his condition. "Why don't you send Jun? He doesn't have a lot on his plate right now."

Except his new girlfriend of course. 

Hoon, thought of Jasmine in the living room and considered her emotion. He knew this will more than likely upset her, but at the same time, he couldn't help the dark motive that sprung out of his conscience. He knew it'll benefit him if he was to send Jun away. 

"I'm quite certain one of us need to temporarity relocate to Taiwan for a couple months. Make sure the new base is running in order." Said Hoon. "Jun seem like the perfect guy for it. You're married and I'm sick. He's the only one who can go."

Yuan didn't even reconsider. "I'm thinking six months. That should be long enough for training wheels, isn't it?"

"Has the board agreed to this yet?"

Yuan lifted his chin. "This is why I came here for, to get your opinion."

"What about Jun? Was he at the conference?"

"He was, he's aware one of the executives need to travel."

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