Watch TV with me

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Jasmine doesn't know whether it's part of her job or not, but she'll do it anyway. She put down he belongings and guided Hoon back to his bedroom. She didn't want anything to happen to him, faint in the hallway or catch another one of his relentless coughing. He looked sick, very sick. 

Hoon's bedroom is as neat and handsome as the man who sleeps in it. Minimal furniture, everything organized to a T. Jasmine could already tell the kind of man he is just based on his taste. Unlike Jun's more chaotic bedroom. 

Hoon laid in bed, Jasmine tucked his sheets and made sure he's comfortable. Hoon had been so drowsy and dizzy that he had fallen asleep by the time Jasmine is done straightening his blanket and putting his house slippers away. 

She walked out of his room leaving the door slightly ajar so she could check on him every now and then. 

She settled by the living room as soon as she's done putting her things away, and after about an hour, Hoon's scheduled meal came in a tray delivered from the main mansion, cooked by professional chef. Hoon has dietary restrictions that supplement necessary nutrition for his body. A sick person requires a special diet to keep him healthy.

A girl wearing chef's uniform smiled at her. "Are you master Hoon's new housekeeper?"

Jasmine returned a faint smile and answered, "yes."

"His lunch." 

"I'll take it from here." 

Jasmine took the tray away and settled it by the island in the kitchen. She walked passed Hoon's bedroom again, seeing him sleeping calmly. It'll be ashame if she were to wake him up just to eat. Besides, she doesn't want to stoke his fury having disturbed him in his sleep, she already had a taste of his temper and she doesn't want to be in the center of it ever again.

She decided to let him sleep. 

A few hours had gone by, it was now late in the evening, Jasmine has grown tired herself waiting for Hoon to wake up that she had fallen asleep on the sofa. 

She was woken up by a slight shifting on the other end and the silent noise of the tv. Her heavy eyes fluttered open, someone was sitting by her. 

"Had a good nap, sleepy head?" Hoon greeted without turning his head, his eyes trained on the tv watching the evening news. 

Jasmine jolted in surprise, she didn't mean to fall asleep, but she'd been so tired especially with Jun keeping her up all night. She waited for a barrage of Hoon's scolding, reprimanding her for falling asleep on a job when he stayed quiet, eyes focused on the TV. 

Hoon didn't seem the least upset. He kept watching the news beside her as though they've shared the sofa like this everyday. 

"I'm sorry." She murmured finally and arranged herself to seat properly. 

"You must be really exhausted, you were knocked out for a while."

Jasmine wondered how long she'd been asleep and how long has Hoon been sitting there beside her? She straightened, suddenly reminded of her duties. The tray of food that had gone cold in the kitchen and his bed that needed to be made and whatever else he needed her to do. 

"Ah, your plate! I gotta heat your plate."

Hoon waved her, "I already ate."

She looked at him, wondering who waitered him when she noticed the color of his skin returned, he looked much better than he did this morning which made her feel better. 

"You look better."

Hoon glanced at her sideways. "I feel better."

"Can I get you a glass of water?"

"If you insist."

She stood up, and started to the kitchen, returning to the living room with a glass of water in her hand. Her eyes wandered to the coffee table where her phone is sitting, lighting up with a phone call coming from Jun. 

He must've been worried about her, she thought. She hasn't talked to Jun all day. Jasmine hurried to get to her phone when suddenly interrupted. 

Hoon eyed her telephone. "Tell Jun you're not free this evening."

That made her stop to stare at Hoon. She was offended, mainly upset being told she wasn't allowed to see Jun. Her eyebrows furrowed, getting ready to let him hear a piece of her mind when Hoon lifted his eyes to her. "I want you here with me. I want your company watching tv."

Jasmines In JuneOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara