Soulmate or twinflames

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"Care to join me for breakfast? It's lonely eating alone."

Jasmine walked up to the dining table, she'd been full already, having made sure she ate before Hoon even awakes. She tought she needed the energy, she didn't want to get yelled at for being lethargic. 

She pulled a seat beside him and smiled. "I'm not hungry. I had cereal for breakfast."

Hoon opened his mouth as to say, Ah. "You know cereal is not really breakfast. It's more like fast food to fill your stomach when you're in a hurry."

She shugged, no one has put it to her like that but she wasn't about to argue with her boss. 

"Tomorrow, I wan't you to wait and have breakfast with me. I'll instruct the chefs for an extra tray."

Again Jasmine only smiled and agreed. She wasn't going to go against his wishes. 

"You're quite an agreeable girl, aren't you?" Hoon commented, sparing an eye contact with her. "You know Jun has a particular taste for toxic women."

At last he got a reaction from her. 

Jasmine knotted her forehead, she felt a pang of pain in her chest. Hurt. The last thing she wanted to hear are the girls Jun dated. But Hoon can't seem to stop talking about it, he can't seem to stop doubting their relationship either. 

"Why do you condemn Jun so much? Do you not think he's capable of being serious with a girl?"

Hoon started to shake his head, but stopped himself. He didn't think he was capable of liking any of Jun's girlfriends either, and yet, here he is, tolerating Jasmine and allowing her to stay with him. 

"I've never seen him get serious with a girl before." Answered Hoon instead.

"Are you trying to scare me?" 

Hoon smiled and took a bite of his toast. "Why is it working?"

"I like him." Jasmine admitted. She might actually think she loves him. 

"I can tell that you do." Hoon noticed it. The spark between the two of them. It almost seemed like fate. He'd never seen Jun so happy, and he'd never seen a girl that fits his mold so perfectly. But at the same time, he also never felt so familiarly closed to any women, he knows he'd only met her a day ago but it felt like he'd live a lifetime with her. "Do you believe in fate, Jasmine?"

Jasmine had to think about it, she can't say that she does but there's a deep feeling inside her that wished Jun is her soulmate. "I don't know."

"Have you ever laid your eyes on someone and swore to god, you know them from somewhere before?"

A shiver ran down her spine as she held his stare, seeing the old familiarity in them. She doesn't know where Hoon is getting at but she's sure she felt it with him when she first met him. "I have...."

The first time she laid her eyes on him, she thought she recognized him from somewhere. But then the feelings soon ran deeper than simple familiarity, it became a bloom of something else especially after seeing Hoon suffered from his illness. "Are you talking about yourself?"

She didn't mean to embarrass him by being direct, but she also didn't know she can make a confident man drop his eyes on her. Hoon got all shy and embarrassed. 

He turned away from her mad at himself for letting something like this happen. 



Writer's note:

I'm very possitive Hoon is Jasmine's soulmate and Jun is her twinflame. You can love both but the love for your twinflame is always going to be stronger and more painful. 

Jasmines In JuneWhere stories live. Discover now