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Any other time, Jun would have jumped at the opportunity of being able to travel abroad and stay for a few months or so. Visit the scenery and meet new women of course. But this time it had been different, Jun was clearly upset upon hearing the news from Hoon. 

"Why me?" 

"Because you're the only one who can do it?" Answered Hoon. 

Jun stared at him with frustration. He had expected a relaxing evening when came to spend some time with Hoon and Jasmine but Hoon seemed to be set on making sure it doesn't happen. Even Jasmine was upset but Jun has more flare for being dramatic. Besides, she didn't think it was her place to complain. She was just happy Jun was there to be upset for both of them. 

"What about Yuan?! Can't he go? He's the one who's hell bent on making sure this base is in operation soon."

"You know he's the CEO, he can't just drop everything and move to another country. He runs the company."

Jun felt insulted somehow. Yuan is only CEO by title because he's the oldest of the Long brothers. Jun had put the same amount of work and effort running the company. 

"I'm also a CEO!"

"You're the COO." Hoon corrected. 

This made Jun fumed. It was a title given to him, he has as much share in the company as his brothers.

Hoon knew he had to do some damage control somehow. He was the one who suggested sending Jun away. Good thing he knew he must always be prepared when it comes to dealing with his brothers. Any regular employees would be easy, but Yuan and Jun has always been a challenge.

"In any case, I think it's best you disappeared for a few months or so." He opened up his laptop in the living room and clicked on some celebrity news website. 

An article about Jun popped up. Exclusive details on the Long Enterprise COO sex scandal. 

Jun has to squeeze his eyes to see the article. This is not the first time he'd been through this, "sex scandal?" He sounded appalled. 

"Yes, you should read the article, Jun. They talked about you having sex in your office."

Jun turned dark red at that. And it wasn't even because he was angry, he was just trying to remember whether he had fucked Jasmine in his office that day they met. He knew he wants to, really really bad. 

 Hoon stole a glance at Jasmine who is quiet as a mouse in her seat. 

"I've never done it! I've never done it in the office. I know better!" Jun protested. His brain had a temporary lapse but now he remembered. He asked Jasmine to meet him in a more private date later. 

"I'm real proud of you, Jun." Said Hoon with an air of sarcasm. "In any case, you can't get away from it. You're stuck with this duty whether you like it or not."

Jun's shoulders slumped, he knew that but it wouldn't hurt to put up a fight. He sat down at the sofa finally taking the space beside Jasmine. He placed his arm around her shoulder. "I'm taking her with me."

It was Hoon's turn to get upset. "No you're not. She's contractually obligated with me for three months. You can't just yank her away just because you feel like it!"

Jun threw his arms out, he'd just got done fussing about his tour overseas and here Hoon is throwing him another shit to deal with. He doesn't understand why he's being so difficult to deal with. 

"Why don't you just hire someone else. You fire people left and right. The contract meant nothing."

Hoon shook his head. "Nope, I like her. She stays." He said with sharpness in his voice that made Jun raise an eyebrow. He could have made sure Hoon acted like Jasmine belongs to him.

"No, no, no....that's not going to happen." Jun stood up, his fingers laced with Jasmine's. "Common, Jas. We're getting out of here."



Writer's note: Kinda happy Jun and Jasmine has a choice this lifetime, but I feel bad for Hoon. Jasmine is his wife from a previous lifetime and he loves her.

Jasmines In JuneWhere stories live. Discover now