Forced Kiss

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The kiss was forced, it was invasive, and it was not welcome. Jasmine's eyes widened, her body stiffen. She was not expecting it, she took a step back. Hoon already has his hands around her head and followed her stepping forward. Jasmine took another step back until they were inside the apartment. Hoon brushed his tongue against her lip making Jasmine open her mouth leading for Hoon's kiss to deepen.

Despite herself, Jasmine found herself closing her eyes and allowing her body to slacken. For a second or two, she kissed Hoon back feeling the softness of his mouth against hers. The stroke of his tongue, the passion he's unleashing on her.

It was... devastating and it confused her fighting the tension in her stomach and the flow of her own tongue smashing and working with his.

Then, she came back to reality. Her mind pulled her from whatever was happening and reminded herself that she was in love with Jun.

Hey eyes snapped open. Jasmine pressed her palms on Hoon's chest and dared to push him away forcing the kiss to break.

Both of them heaved, sucking the air between them. Eyes shining, tears threatened to dampen her eyes. She didn't mean to do it. She didn't mean to kiss him back. She was caught off guard. What would Jun say if he finds out? He'd think the worst of her. That she's some kind of slut cheating on him. She couldn't imagine the thought of it. It breaks her heart into million pieces.

"Why would you do that? Don't you have and ounce of respect for Jun?" She barked.

She wiped the remnants of his kiss off her mouth. The sensation of his lips tangled with hers still a ghost in her mouth.

Hoon stared at her biting his lips, eyes devouring her as though he was starving and he wanted to launch at her. To take her lips again. "He's not right for you."

"And you are?" Jasmine heaved, she could still feel the stung of her betrayal.

She sucked a breath. "Jun is coming home any minute. You should leave."

"Not unless you come with me." Hoon offered his hand.

She denied him. "I'm not going back to that house."

Hoon's jaw tightened, he doesn't know what to do. The rejection is fatal. It hurt. "Why do you hurt me, Jas?"

Jasmine stilled but everything about her is shaking. "I don't. I'm not trying to hurt you. You should have known better. I'm in love with Jun."

The words were like lightning tearing through his heart. She might as well kill him now. "Jasmine..." Hoon's voice was soft. "Please, let's go home."

He grabbed her hand and yanked her towards him. "We're going home Jas. That's it. You don't belong here." He made himself look at the house. The minimalist decoration, the leather furniture and modern appliances. Who knew how many women Jun had brought home? How many one night stand he had on his bed?

"No!" Jasmine tried to fight him off but his grip was tight.

"Hoon, no! Let go." Her fists balled as she tried to beat his hand away from her. She didn't want to cause a scene. She didn't want to disturb Jun's neighbors. These are luxury apartments. The building security shouldn't have let Hoon in. She tried to look for hallway camera pleading for help.

"What're you doing?" Jun's dangerous voice seemed to come out of nowhere. Jasmine turned her head tears pricked her eyes. She felt shinning relief seeing Jun come back.

"Jun!" She whimpered.

Hoon loosened his grip on her enough for her to get away. "Jun?" He uttered breathing deeply. He had not expected Jun to come home so soon. "What're you doing here?"

Jun took a dangerous step forward, his eyes never leaving Hoon's. His muscles tightened. His blood rushed to every fiber of them preparing for a fight. It was a natural instinct protecting what belongs to him. "I could ask you the same thing."

Hoon's throat tightened until he swallowed. How could have things go so wrong with his brothers?

The memory of punching Yuan came into his mind. Then this! This confrontation he's having with his little brother. Then past memories of them growing up. How close they were, how much they got along.

Cruel sneer twisted on his face. His accusing finger shot up to Jasmine. "It's your fault, Jun! It's your fault for bringing her into our home. Not only she has you twisted around her finger. She managed to seduce me and Yuan too! A poor girl coming out of nowhere trying to catch herself a rich man. She's a gold digger! Have you even checked what kind of slum she came from?"

It was all insults. Insults directly at her. Each word stung, wounded her deeply than she could have ever imagined. She had cared for Hoon deeply. She expected this from Yuan, she expected this from all the other losers she dated before. Not Hoon. Hoon had been kind, gentle and respectful.

She pressed her mouth closed. She hasn't even realized she dropped her mouth open from utter shock. Her chest thundered. It hurts. The insults hurled at her with his accusing finger. She didn't know Hoon was capable of it.

"Take it back!" Jun seethed with rage. "You are going to respect her!" He will not tolerate any insults any threats hurled at Jasmine. He would not care that Hoon had been sick for the last couple years of his life. He will beat respect into him. "I brought her to you because I trusted you to respect her! I brought her to you because you could not keep any of your caretaker no less than a few hours. I brought her to you because I knew you are impossible to put up with and I knew she could deal with you. I brought her to you because she is kind and she will tolerate you for your sake."

Jun took another step closer, he's built a lot bigger, broader shoulders, bigger chest, a few inches taller. He towered Hoon's frail body. "I knew she could never do the things you and Yuan accused her of. She's not one of those girls."

Hoon snorted glaring at Jun, daring him to take that swing he'd been holding back. "You'd say that. "What? It only took her a day to spread her leg?"

"Leave!" Jun muttered through his gritted teeth. "Leave before I make a mistake."

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