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The next day, Hoon made sure he was away from his computer early. He had stationed himself in the kitchen to lend Jasmine a helping hand. Not much he could do since he never has to lift a finger to do anything when he was young, and he'll probably just get in the way, but being around her was like a drug that he promised to learn anything and everything about cooking.

Jasmine noticed it a few weeks ago when she offered Hoon part of her home made egg drop soup on those days he wasn't feeling very good. He had eaten her soup and left the tray of food from the mansion untouched.

She could understand why, the food looked like they came straight from the hospital. So she started making home made meals for him, making sure she used healthy ingredients to make up for his nutrition requirements.

Hoon had been eating her cooking ever since. Eating her food brought his back to a descent weight. He no longer looked ill. His hips and ribs no longer protruded from his skin and his sunken cheeks filled in with fat quite nicely. He began to transform to the man he used to be before his cancer ravaged his body.

So much so that Jasmine noticed all the changes in him. His usual grumpiness disappeared, the sick smell of medicine that reeks out of his skin were not as bad as they were. Hoon had gained back his healthy weight that she found herself staring at him and his unkept handsomeness like Hoon has no clue how attractive he can be.

Jasmine was happy at the changes, happy at the change of his attitude, happy for his happiness.

"What?" Hoon asked, redness in his cheeks crept in. He's not used to her eyes lingering on him.

Jasmine forced her gaze back down to the kitchen counter. "Did you come out here to help out?"

Hoon smiled. "I can't let you do all the work, can't I?"


On days that he'd been too busy with the company, Hoon decided to employ her help on the smaller tasks at hand, having a small space for her to work on. It occupied her mind for the most part. It took her mind off Jun which is what Hoon was trying to do.

In about another month, he no longer saw her staring in space or looked sad or lonely. She'd been able to smile a lot more and laugh at his silly jokes.

But there's another problem. The three months is almost up. Hoon was scrambling his mind trying to think of excuses why she should stay longer. He already used up his sick card and he knew he can't use it again especially right now when he's starting to look well.

"Hey, Jasmine." Hoon murmured quietly one night as they watched the news on tv.

"Hmmm...?" Jasmine responded. She was half paying attention, her mind is focused on her phone waiting for a message from Jun.

"I was thinking. You're contract is about to end soon."

Her heart beat faster as soon as Hoon said those words. She had been anticipating this conversation well aware of her contract expiring. She shifted on her seat and gave him her fullest attention. "In about a week."

"Don't you wanna stay with me a little bit longer?" Hoon gave her a side glance, afraid to look at her completely. He doesn't know how he'll take an immediate rejection from her. 

But she won't try to hurt him so easily because something deep inside her wants to be with him a little longer too.

"You promised Jun three months." She was already recalling the messages Jun sent her. The promise of living together. The picture of a nice penthouse apartment in Taipe he wanted to share with her. 

Hoon exhaled. He needn't to be reminded of his promise. He knew he told Jun three months then he'd let Jasmine go. "I know, but I want you to be with me much longer? Aren't you happy with our living arrangement?"

"Me as your personal aid and housekeeper?" She teased.

More like a wife without the benefit of sleeping together. Hoon thought. "I could draw up another contract with more privileges. I'll be a bit more lenient." Although he meant to say, he could marry her right now and give her everything that she wanted. "I could buy us a large house elsewhere with more privacy."

She laughed. "Sound like you're planning a life together."

"Doesn't sound like a bad idea actually." He looked at her then.

Her smile faded away. She knew that's what he wanted, a life together. She could give him that. A short married life with a dying man. She could make him happy before he die.

Because even when she tried to put some distance away from each other and acted professional around him, they still couldn't help the pull of their karmic attachment. It must be something deep for her not to be able to break away from buried emotion she'd been denying herself. "I can't."

"Why? Is it because of Jun?"


"I could give you more than everything he promised. I could love you as much as he does."

"It's not about the promises." She said. She could care less about his wealth. He just so happens to be very rich. Jasmine knew she would have wanted him no matter.

"It's not fair you know..." Hoon began, disappointment laced in his silent voice. "Jun never had to try to win a girl and yet, here I am, practically begging one and still couldn't have her."

If only she could have met Hoon sooner and fell in love with him instead, things could have been different. But fate must have a different plan for them for things to turn out this way. "It's not as if I don't care for you, I do."

It's just that her feelings for Jun is much stronger and deeper than anything she could feel for Hoon. 

"You know, I'm in love with you, Jasmine."

Jasmines In JuneWhere stories live. Discover now