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The matriarch of the company is a strick middle aged feminist with short bob greying hair on the front. She lifted her eyes above her glasses.

"Take a seat Jasmine." Her voice intoned not so sharply but with a hint of disappointment.

Jasmine sat on the sofa inside her office.

Her boss took her glasses off and slumped her shoulders, giving Jasmine her fullest attention. "I should've suspected this would happen. I had high hopes for you, Jasmine."

Jasmine lowered her gaze to her feet and wondered how the entire office even knew? She literally just walked in.

"I thought you would be the best girl for the task. I thought you have self-control and focus."

True, Jasmine has both qualities that's why she was able to land herself a respectable job in the magazine company as soon as she graduated. All throughout college, she never once dated focusing all her time in her studies graduating as one of the top students in the class.

"I'm so disappointed in you."

Jasmine bit her lip and stayed quiet for a moment or two. But the nagging thought in her head just wouldn't allow her so. "How'd you even knew I sleft with him? How'd the entire office knew?"

Her boss gave her an appraising look, sliding her bright brown eyes up and down, as thought stating the obvious. "You could've at least change your clothes before you came in. You smell like sex and you look like you haven't slept." She lifted her palm next, "did you even get a chance to interview him?"

Jasmine sucked her teeth. She could have argued and lied about sleeping with Jun but she couldn't lie about the lack of interview tape and notes.


Her boss arched a high brow. "You know you were in company's time the whole day yesterday."

Jasmine's heart thudded anticipating where the conversation is going.

"We're not paying you to fuck the most eligible bachelor in the country in company's time." She made a motion of her fingers curling them in and out. "So, where's your interview notes and tape?"

All the blood drained out of Jasmine's face. She couldn't produce those things out of thin air even if she knew magic. She stammered, trying to rack up some excuse to say.

Her boss clicked her tongue and shifted on her seat. She raised her elbows into a more domineering posture. "I thought so."

Jasmine started to open her mouth in protest but her boss halted her with a single raise of her hand. "You're fired, Jasmine. You have an entire hour to clean your desk."


Jun made it to his office three hours late. He kicked back his feet on his desk and leaned on his chair. He closed his eyes, smiling, dreaming about marriage and children with Jasmine.

He'd never been so excited and happy about hooking up with a girl before that he'd been smiling since yesterday. His cheeks hurt.

The sudden commotion on the front door jolted Jun from his daydream. He opened his eyes alert to see Yuan, a rather intimidating man, entered his room unannounced. Yuan frowned as soon as he saw Jun with his feet lazily kicked on the desk and proceeded to walk in.

"We've been trying to contact you all night, Jun!" Yuan reprimanded his young brother. He walked passed Jun's table and stood by the glass wall of his office admiring the view of the high rise buildings. "Have you even checked your phone yet this morning?"

Jun pulled his feet off the table and scrambled searching for his phone all over his pockets.

Yuan watched him as he did so with critical look on his eyes. "I thought so."

Jun gave up after a few seconds or so, he'd been so distracted by Jasmine this morning that he forgot to think about his phone and the rest of the world.

"You weren't at the board meeting either this morning." Yuan added.

Jun tightened. He felt like a child being reprimanded by his oldest brother all over again. He stretched back to his seat waiting to hear a lesson about responsibility and adulthood.

But Yuan wasn't going to treat Jun like a child anymore, not when he's nearly twenty seven years old. Jun has had more responsibilities running a large company with his family. He knew what Jun is capable of.

"I'm sorry, gege. I was busy all night last night."

Yuan's eyes sharpened, noting Jun's mental state, his less than put together clothing, and the glow on his face. Jun appeared to be uplifted, smiling brighter, and relaxed. Yuan suddenly made an assumpsion why Jun was busy yesterday.

He exhaled, if there's one thing that grinds his bones about Jun, is that, he hated his attachment to women. Jun has always been so popular with girls even back in his high school days and always had girlfriends. He couldn't blame Jun, their mother passed away when he's only three years old.

Mommy issues. Yuan hummed privately in his thoughts.

Yuan made a sudden turn of his heel and stalked closer. "Hoon is sick."

He waited for his announcement to sink into Jun's head before continuing.

Jun's mouth fell, crestfallen. The news shouldn't shock him at all, but any news of Hoon being rushed to a hospital always had a terrifying effect on him. Hoon is the middle brother, the brightest of the Long brothers and also very sick. Their family don't expect him to live a long life but their massive fortune is enough to extend his life.

"What happened?" Jun mumbled softly.

"It's a lung infection according to his doctors, pneumonia. They gave him high dose of anti biotics and let him rest."

Jun let out a breath of relief. "Is he going to be okay?"

"Yes," Yuan began to straightened his pressed jacket starting to leave. "He should be coming back home by tomorrow morning to spend the rest of his time in bed rest. You should stop by and pay him a visit."

Jasmines In JuneWhere stories live. Discover now