Bouquet of jasmines

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"I'd like to purchase a bouquet of jasmines please." Jun eyed a gorgeous arrangement of jasmines displayed on the glass window of the flower shop. "That one if I can." He pointed at the bundle of flowers seemingly glowing with radiance calling out to him.

The shopkeeper smiled and fetched the bouquet for him. "What a lucky girl, she must be special to you." She asked striking a friendly conversation with her customer.

Jun don't care too much for small talk but indulged the woman's conversation none the less. "Yes, she's special to me. Her name is Jasmine, I thought the flowers suit her well."

The shopkeeper's face brightened. "Oh how nice. I'm pretty sure she'd like it. It's one of our more popular arrangement."

Jun smiled. "I hope so too."

It took a lot of effort but it was not impossible to find out Bailing's place of residence. A quick phone call and a small transaction with a private detective that cost him barely any change. Jun promised himself he was going to wait for a response from Jasmine, but after another day without fruition to his pursuit he genuinely decided he needed to move things along. He could not stand another day not knowing how she's doing.

Bailing's apartment building is located on the outskirts of town. It wasn't hard to find either. Jun had decided to go on foot catching the speed train and another public transportation to visit it. It was better this way, no family chauffeur who can be interrogated or a luxury vehicle that could be traced. This way, no one can keep up with him. Not Yuan, not Hoon.

He climbed the steps of the stairs of the apartment building nervous like a young child again. Jun found himself practicing his lines muttering them soundlessly in his brain. He was nervous, and he was scared. Scared because he doesn't know how Jasmine is going to react to him.

She might turn him away.

But he has to take his chances, he has to find her or else there's no way that he could calm down.

Jun swallowed as he lifted his fist to the door and knocked.


Take out.

Tonight seemed like a good time for take out. And to be honest, every night seemed like a good time for take out for Bailing since cooking is never her forte. She can't cook and honestly don't enjoy the activity. Cooking is an art, you need passion to create something good and she neither have the talent, patience or passion for it. That was always Bailing train of thought.

Jasmine and Bailing was sitting on the small dining table sharing a meal together when they heard a knock on the door. Jasmine lifted her chin out of reaction chasing her sight towards where the sound is when Bailing waved her. "I'll get it, don't worry about the door."

Jasmine nodded silently before taking her attention back to her food.

It took merely seven steps to get from the dining room to the front door. Bailing's apartment is barely big enough for two people. She peeked at the peep hole and saw a familiar man, making her gasp in surprise.

She instantly turned to Jasmine waving her hand. "It's Jun!" She whispered below the natural tone of her voice.

Jasmine's eyes widened in surprise. She had not expected Jun to know her location. "How'd he know where you live?"

Bailing shook her head animatedly. "How am I supposed to know? I told you he showed up at my work yesterday. Maybe, he followed me."

It doesn't seemed like something Jun was inclined to do. She didn't even know he was in the area until Bailing told her. He took an emergency flight from Taiwan back to Hong Kong hours after that night - just because of her. 

There's no doubt Jun cares for her and would do anything to find out if she's okay. 

"So, what do you want me to do?" Asked Bailing starting to panic.

It took Jasmine a split second to decide. She knew she promised herself she wanted to stay away from him and she'd been strong enough to ignore his calls and messages, but knowing he's there, only a few steps away, Jasmine couldn't help the tug in her chest pulling her to him. 

Jasmine kicked her feet from beneath her chair and rose abruptly. She couldn't think of anything else or do anything else, the only thing she wanted to do right now is run into his arms.

"Jun!" Her voice squeezed out from her pained throat. But saying his name made her forget the pain momentarily as she leapt into his arms.

"Jasmine!" Jun was all excitement. God knows he missed her so much. Though his initial excitement would disappear almost instantly upon landing his eyes on her swollen  and bruised face.

Jun was horrified and shocked as he put her into his embrace. "Jasmine," he couldn't help but to peel her away, observe her skin, the mark on her neck. Anger soon rose from within his chest turning into rage. "Yuan did this to you?!"

Jasmines In JuneWhere stories live. Discover now