Once alone yoongi releases a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding in.
His thoughts began to run wild as he reviewed the days events.
I'm mated?! Am I though? Like I'm not really of age, but it can happen. But it's rare. And I'm ordinary. And he's next in line. And I'm a simpleton.

"Why is my life so complicated?!" Yoongi whined as he threw himself across his soft bed.
Taking a moment to bask in the beds comfort.
"Head alphas gonna kill me...."

And soon, he falls asleep. 


Meanwhile ...

Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Seokjin and Taehyung were gathered in the living room.
Everyone sat in silence, still processing the days events.

"Well I'd just like to say," taehyung dares breaking the silence, "I'm adopting yoongi as my newest best friend"

Tension sat in the air, waiting for some response

"And I'm taking him in as my new baby" Jin jokes while high-fiving Tae.

"How can you both be so ... comfortable? So soon?" Hoseok asks while shifting in his seat. Ever since yoongi out ran him, he's had difficulty trusting the young omega, no normal omega can run that fast!

Tae and Jin share a look and shrug, "we just know, call it an omega sense if you will"

Namjoon spoke next, "you seem tense 'Seok, what's up?"

Hoseok shifted uncomfortably in his seat, he didn't want to be like this. Usually he's all sunshine and smiles, normally he'd welcome guests with open arms and a song.
But he doesn't like liars. And somethings telling him that yoongis not all he seems to be.

"Hey Joon, you see your old pack, PlumOpal?" Namjoon nods to hoseok, "what's their training schedule like? Intense or more ... chill?"

Namjoon pauses, curious as to the random question, but answered nonetheless.
"It's a pretty decent training schedule, Alphas start with morning runs, and every Saturday is weights. Every other day is varied training. Why?"

"Just curious as to how that little omega out ran me, but I suppose daily runs would help -"

"Well..." Namjoon interrupted.

"Well.." hoseok gestured for Namjoon to continue. Everyone else in the room listening intently.

"Omegas in my old pack, we're short."

"Short?" Jimin asks curiously.

"As in yoongi was kind of the only omega."

"Of the WHOLE PACK?!" Taehyung bursts back into the conversation.

"Yeah," joon sheepishly replies, "and as the only pack omega, yoongi was kinda isolated.
He wasn't allowed to train, or build any physical strength. He was domesticated. Left to take care of the pups and cook meals, clean after everyone. Yet he never got any recognition. It was expected of him almost. He wasn't allowed friends, and as far as I know he wasn't treated well."

Everyone sat in silence, soaking up this new information.

"How do you know this joon? Why didn't you help him?" Seokjin whispers, as if he were afraid of the answer.

"I didn't know then, I only found out through and old friend after I started asking questions. Yoongis been acting odd, well, more odd than usual. He stuttering more, and not meeting eye contact. I feel so guilty. I left him there and he was made to be nothing more than a slave."

Jungkook suddenly shoots up, startling the others in the room.
He paces back and forth, unable to remain still.
His alpha was going crazy.
They HURT him?! OUR omega?! How dare they! Rip their throats out! No wonder he's so timid! What if he's afraid of being here?! What if-

"Kook!" Jimin shakes Jungkook by his shoulders, snapping him out of his trance.

"Calm down, joon said he was like a "slave" , that doesn't mean they were beating him! We must presume innocent till proven guilty. It's pack honour."

Jungkook inhales a deep breath, trying to calm his alpha.
He never knew having a mate would be like this.
He never expected to be so... possessive? Protective?

The desire to be closer to yoongi was making it difficult for Jungkook to think straight (literally).
But he still had some self control, as yoongi isn't of age, the bond is only half as strong.

"Namjoon," Jungkook starts, "his birthday?"
Jungkook speaks in short sentences, struggling to calm his alpha.

"March 9th"

So soon... just two weeks ...
Jungkook takes another deep breath before looking towards Jimin, muttering a small "I'm fine".

Once again silence fills the room.




That's the end of this chapter!
I'm not 100% happy with the way it's written, but then again it's just a short filler!
I hope you enjoyed regardless.
I'm absolutely ecstatic with the reads on this story! We're at 184 as of writing this chapter!
I never expected it to be liked by people
Anyways 😅

Word count: 1361


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