Chapter 50

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The messy argument Dylan and I had that Sunday evening was immediately tidied up after series yelling and everything else that followed. He left when Aunt Lucy came home with Alec and Dad since it was a school night.

Having the tidying up of things made me sleep a little and became less worried than I was before I had the talk. I was thankful that he understood and was able to explain the things both him and I wanted to sort out.

All I had to think about was Emily. I knew it has only been a a couple of days but it's driving me insane.

The gossips around the school seemed focused on me when Monday arrived. Emily didn't came to school. Matty told the teachers she was sick but the people present on the party knew the real reason. I tried so hard not get affected by it but with every gossip a person told the other one, a new gossip was born. It was like a disease or an infection that spreads and from bad it became worse. As much as I wanted to stay positive, I also hoped that things would not turn worst.

I definitely knew what's the root of the gossip but I didn't knew who were the sources of the other made up stories.

Never have I kissed anyone else aside from Ryder that night, not even Dylan. And I wasn't very proud of it and regret was an understatement. But then rumors said I kissed another guy and before I knew it, I kissed two more guys. Hell, I even slept with one of those unnamed guys.

I shook my head slightly as I turned towards the direction of the lockers. I planned on skipping lunch and go to the library to hide. Yep! As much as I told myself how strong I was and how much adamant I always act in front of others, I couldn't handle more rumours anymore. I was ashamed even though I didn't do almost ninety percent of the false stories.

School administrators doesn't care though and didn't do anything about it anyway. Mrs. Collins grew tired of hearing it since most of time they were fallacious. Mr. Dawson was the only one who cared.

Before I could even reach my locker, people formed a circle on the hallway near the bulletin board and heard Malia arguing. I walked closer to them to see why Malia was yelling and that's when all eyes averted to me. I heard whispers of disappointment, disgust and rude remarks.

"Who the hell did this? You don't know the whole story yet! Better hear her out first!" Malia said.

I gasped, wide eyes as I saw Kira peeling off photo papers of me kissing Ryder taped on the bulletin and wall.

"Malia." I called.

"Jade." She held my hand and pushed me slightly away farther to the bulletin board as Kira increased her speed in peeling off the pictures taped on the wall.

"You shouldn't be seeing this. I'm sorry. We haven't found out yet who did this." Malia said as she held both of my hands, squeezing it tightly.

"I know." I nodded my head, clenching my jaw.

Malia looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Ash." I said. "He was the one taking photos that night."

"That son of a bitch!" Malia stormed off. Probably going to Ash. I didn't have the strength to stop her. Hell I have the will to punch his face I would've but that would make things worst. The last thing I wanted to happened was my father receiving a call from Mr. Dawson.

"Are you okay?" Kira looked at me. Her hands were occupied with the crumpled photo papers she just stripped off the wall.

"I will be." I said, nodding.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to be with you. None of this might not have happened if I was with you." She crumpled the papers more into a one big ball of shit evidence I shamefully did.

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