Chapter 11

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We arrived in Kira's house less than ten minutes when she decided to let her car fly. The fast drive went silent all through out, I mean I was silent except for those occasional answers I gave Kira when she asked me about the gift she bought for Scott, her boyfriend and how does she looked and about her hair.

Kira's house was not that big but quite enough to throw different kinds of parties. It's like their family's obsession.

The party already started when we arrived. There are some bodies lingering inside but most of them were outside dancing with the loud party music and soaking in the large pool. Laser lights beaming from every direction signalizing that the party was already heated up and made me somewhat guilty that Kira came to pick me up from home not that she that insisted and argue with me through the phone for like the ten minutes.

"Babe!" I saw Scott with a huge grin ran towards Kira and pecked her lips.

I smiled from my own thoughts knowing how they really loved each other. I gave them both a nod when their attention spared to me and walked towards the kitchen that was empty at the moment. I took a sit on one of the stools and wandered my eyes everywhere when I heard a deep voice coming from the window behind me, whispering my name.

"You startled me Matty! What are you doing there?" I held my hand unto my chest.

"Shh. Quiet!" Matty shushed me. "Oh, here she comes. Don't tell I'm here."

Then he disappeared behind the window. I wondered who he was hiding from then I saw Stacey holding a water gun, fully loaded. She was panting like she just finished a one kilometer run.

"Have you seen Matthew?" She asked me. That made me realize why my best friend was whispering and hiding behind the window.

"No. I just arrived here." I said but I was pointing the window where Matty was hiding. I want to see how my dear best friend get soak in water by the woman he loves. This will be totally hilarious.

"Oh, I see. Maybe his hiding somewhere else." Stacey grinned, pretending to leave the room while in fact she was walking closer towards the window.

"I'll tell you when I see him."

Then after a few seconds, Matty popped up his head on the window. He was smiling and was about to say something but Stacey pulled the trigger again and again, making Matty's face wet from the water and dripped down his bare body. Oh, my best friend's looking sizzling hot.

I laughed out loud in sync with Stacey as Matty ran off the back door connecting the kitchen and began to fire water not only to Stacey but also to me. Stacey and I ran out of the kitchen, squealing whilst Matty following us. We split ways in which I took advantage of because I ran upstairs while Stacey ran outside. Matty could not fire water upstairs. Kira will kick his ass if he does.

Taking a long, deep breath, I found myself sitting on one of the black small couches settled on the hallway, I begun feeling tired already. The lights were dimmed, indicating that Kira's parents were out and that nobody was upstairs aside from those few who wanted privacy for themselves. I sat there for minutes to rest when two bodies revealed from the staircase, sucking up each other's faces like that's all that matters to them. I bet that they haven't noticed me because they still continued what they were doing. They just stopped when I intentionally cleared my throat loud enough for them to hear since the loud party music outside was fader.

The girl first jerked her head towards my direction. Malia.

"Malia?" I smiled, standing up from where I was reposing. Thinking that Malia had been so obsessed with Christian. I just couldn't believe that she finally moved on. I was a bit shocked from the sight to see her sucking someone's face especially now that she have not done it in a while.

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