Chapter 4

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I was leaving the white tiled floor balcony without even bothering to talk to anyone. I didn't care about the party, I was in need to go somewhere else. The first thing that popped up my mind is public library near my school. It seems like the only place where I wanted to go now and just put all these thoughts I have to the deepest of my mind and just sit there without anyone pestering me.

"Where are you going Jade?" Christian asked.

"Uhm, where's the bathroom?" I improvised.

"Oh, go straight then turned right, second door on the left." Gisele replied and thought that girl knows everything.

"Thanks." I said and hurriedly left, walking with my head down, facing the red Persian rug laid on the hallway and counting the steps that I'm making.

Well, I did went to the bathroom for a second and checked if really I had a droll on my face. The mirror was so big that it almost caught all the reflection in the light blue painted wall room. I tapped open the silver faucet and the water started dripping to the sink. I washed my hands thoroughly and dried it with a fluffy white towelette hanged at the edge of the wall that was not occupied by the huge mirror.

I slowly opened the door and checked if  the coast was clear. I passed the hallway and found everyone so busy chitchatting. It was my chance. I quietly went down the enormous staircase and looked for my best friend and ask him to leave and take me to the library but my poor Matty was in the cloud bank talking with the angel of her dreams. He was like a child amused by a clown and obviously was too happy to be disrupted.

I went outside alone, grinning that I left the McKinley's castle without getting lost and caught by a dragon. I walked through the pavements silently, rested for a little while and started walking again for a few times until the park was visible to see from where I was standing.

Many things and happenings played over and over in my mind. I'm almost on the arc of the North Ashton Hill Park when someone tapped me in the back.

"Hey! I've been calling your name for five times already! Didn't you hear me?"

I saw the face of King-Kong. "Bloody heal! What are you doing here, Dylan Sky?"

"I followed you, don't you see?" He ran a hand through his dark hair, catching his breath. "Where are you going anyway?"

"Why are you asking? It is none of your business. Go away!" I pushed and shooed him away.

"Mean much?" Dylan fought back my push.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I continued walking when he rejoined me. He walked beside me with a very annoying grin on his face.

"You're so annoying, you know that?" I said not even wasting my precious time looking at him.

"You're so annoying, you know that?" He mimicked me, with a very high pitched voice.

"Shut up!" I retorted as I entered the park.

"Oh, so you're going to this park? You know its lonely walking in the park alone, buttercup. It's a good thing I followed you." Dylan stretched his arms up in the air.

"Yeah, right." I muttered under my breath when I remembered that Dylan was banned in the public library.

I continue walking until I reached the entrance of the public library. I looked over my shoulder to see if Dylan was still following me but the piece of shit was grinning like an idiot whilst standing at the middle of the mini-garden of the public library that was surrounded with clay pots where chrysanthemums were planted.

I was somewhat curious of what in the world he was he grinning about but I continued striding to the library, climbed up the stairs just to see that the main door entrance was closed. Then I saw a note posted beside the door saying that the library was closed for the day, until the next day afternoon.


Now I know why the moron was grinning. I sighed to myself.

"You thought you can get rid of me so easily, don't you buttercup?" He walked towards me.

"I was planning to but it seems like Mrs. Drew doesn't want to." I shrugged as he halted in front of me.

Dylan grinned again and I swore, that by the way he smiled he could be on a toothpaste television commercial. His smile was so sexy. Those pearly white teeth and those shimmering eyes. Not mentioning his dimples that absolutely melted all the girls in our school like marshmallows. I wondered how did the guy in front of me end up growing like a Greek god?

And then I mentally slapped myself for complimenting the moron. What a gruesome thought.

Mrs. Drew was the owner of the public library, she was an old grey headed widow who loved kids so much. My mom, Jace and I used to go to the public library when we were little. We even invited Matthew, Dylan and his older sister Claire as well sometimes.

As time goes by, our young bodies learned how to go to the library by ourselves. We were eight by that time. I read almost all kinds of books there. But my favorite genre was the all about arts. I became familiar to many artists from different ages. My favorite was Claude Monet, an impressionist who loved painting his wife Camille but what I loved the most about him and his works was the Impression: Sunrise. It's like the reflection of his life.

Matthew was focused on science fiction books. Claire loved geography that made her pursue her dreams of becoming a flight attendant to be able to travel the world. While Dylan and Jace on the other hand was fond of reading scientific-related books and experimentation.

I remembered there was that one time when they tried experimenting inside the library wherein they almost destroyed a shelf of books. A bottle that Dylan was holding exploded and Jace cracked a laugh so loud that echoes around the big library. From that moment on, both of them got banned from the library and both our parents grounded them for a week.

"So how was Claire?" I asked as we strode the green grasses of the park.

"She's fine. Doing totally great." Dylan looked up the blue sky and smiled so brightly.

I know Dylan missed Claire. I do as well. But compared to him, I could say that the longingness he felt for her sister was totally incomparable. It has been two years since she left for pursuing her dreams. Claire just come home for Christmas and New Year's but other than that she never. Even on Dylan's birthday.

Dylan was a happy go lucky guy who makes life always easy. Girls would kill for her just to be by his side, I reckon. Especially now that he and Chloe broke up a couple of months ago. It's funny that he never entered any relationship after it. I guessed he still had feelings for her. After all, he is not the one who cheated. That was not my story to tell though.

"So is she coming home for your birthday? I miss her." I asked.

Stupid question. Of course I already knew the answer. I regretted instantly the question I fired. I really might liked making him blue.

I turned my gaze to his face for split second before looking straight ahead and saw little bodies running around while others fed the ducks with bread on the mini-lake in the center of the park.

"I reckon not. She's too busy to come over." Dylan said with a blank expression in his face.

"Oh." I replied as it was the only word that I came with after asking him an idiotic question.

A moment of silence swallowed the both of us as we continued walking and finally sat on a wooden bench surrounded by tall thin shady trees, the best part of the park.

"It doesn't matter though. We'll be celebrating our seventeenth birthday together!" He said whilst his head held up high and smiled again gorgeously.

"What?" I asked in surprise.

Is there anyone here who doesn't want their birthdays to be celebrated? 🤔🤔

Woah! How would Dylan and Jade celebrate their birthdays? Would they be celebrating it together? Find out soon!

This chapter was part of chapter 3 before. I just divided it into two chapters since the old chapter 3 was a lengthy one. — stucknreverse xx

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