Chapter 26

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"What took you so long? I thought you lost your way again." Malia asked when I entered the living room, leaving Dylan outside to park his motorcycle.

Around thirteen of them were already gathered in. Malia, Kira, Emily, Matthew, some A-students, jocks and cheerleaders from our class and including the twins and Stacey.

"Sorry, I had lunch. " I said as I sat next to Matthew, gave him a hug and greeted Stacey who sat to his other side.

"You ate alone? What a greedy little biatch!" Emily looked at me with disbelief who dwelled at the farthest couch from the living room archway, phone in her hand, probably texting her boyfriend.

"No, she's with me." Dylan cut in and gave high fives to his jock buddies.

"Really, now?" Kira smiled leaning her head on Scott's shoulder and looked at me maliciously.

I just shook my head in response as Dylan made me scoot and sat next to me. It felt a tad bit awkward in front of everybody with Dylan's actions. He's always been so carefree, it didn't matter to him what other people would think or do. Never worrying whether it was bad or good.

"Wait, just the two of you?" Chloe infuriated pointing us who was sitting next to the jocks opposite to Emily's couch.

"I don't think this is the right thing to talk about. Why can just focus on what we came here for?" I suggested.

"Right." Malia clapped her hands, "Since we're all already here I would like you guys to suggest dates and venues for our upcoming youth camp. Anyone?" Malia asked.

While everyone kept on suggesting Dylan would not leave my hair alone. He kept on touching and twirling it like a toy.

"Stop it." I elbowed him. It's a good thing Matty leaned on the other side away from me to hold Stacey closer to him.

"Why didn't you tell them about us?" Dylan whispered to my ear. It totally send shivers down my spine.

"Not now, Dylan." I swatted his hand that was poking my waist. It's inappropriate to beat the drum about our current status since it's not the reason why we were gathered on Malia's house.

"It's just two words."

I tried to ignore him.

"We're. Dating. See? It wasn't that hard." He kept on whispering to my ear.

"It's not the right time for it. Now stop!" I looked at him as I whispered the words fast.

"Uhh, Jade? Are you listening?" Malia asked that made me gave my full attention to her.

"Uhh, sorry?" I apologetically smiled that gained me an eye roll.

"I asked if do you have any date suggestions?"

"Well.." I said whilst my head skimmed through my mental calendar.

"Yes! Actually we talked about it. How about in between this coming Saturday? It would be nice to celebrate not just one but two birthdays on a camping, right?" Dylan said before I could even say something more.

My eyes widened. What? I planned on spending it on my own way.

"Well. As much I hate to agree but I think it's a great idea." Christian agreed.

"What? I didn't.. We didn't—never talked about it." I looked at him in disbelief.

"Oh shut it. Don't be so hard. It would be nice, neighbor."

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