Chapter 25

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I almost forgot about the meeting at Malia's regarding the youth camp. It's a good thing that Dylan reminded me or else I'm probably doomed.

"I'm sorry I'm late for breakfast. Jace bombarded me earlier and I fell asleep again after." I said as I took my seat in one of the dinner chairs.

They were almost finished eating when I started eating but they some for me.

"You're just a sleepy head!" Jace teased.

"Yeah and you're just so annoying." I rolled my eyes.

The breakfast went fine. It was better actually because of Jace's presence. He made breakfast less awkward than it has always been. Even Dad enjoyed it a lot because he was laughing the whole time. He even thanked Jace for being home before he left for work since he would be away in for a couple of days due to a business trip.

"Why are you so happy? Did something happened to you here when I was away?" Jace said while we watched Netflix for about an hour on the living room.

"You were always away, Jace. You being here makes me happy." I said while holding Alec.

"You seemed different y'know?" He shook his head looking at me.

"Like what? I've always been like this." I raised a brow and talked gibberish to Alec.

"And since when are you close to Alec? I thought you don't want to do anything about him?"

"Well, maybe it's just.. I don't know, maybe because his still our brother right? I mean half brother. But still a brother and it's not that I don't want to do anything for him. I love this little bundle of joy." I said and kissed Alec's chubby cheek.

"Are you sick? Do you need a medicine or something?" He held a hand up in the air and placed it on my forehead seemed like checking for temperature.

"No, I'm not." I pushed his hand away from my forehead, "And yes I need something.. I need a hand to hold Alec because I need to go somewhere." I handed him Alec and pinched lightly his cheek who gurgled cutely as I pushed myself up the couch.

"What? Hold up! Where?"

"A meeting for the youth camp."

"I thought you already had that meeting?" He asked and I mentally slapped my face across the cheek for forgetting about the alibi I made the last time we went out.

"Again. We didn't finish it the last time."

"Well, okay." Jace let the topic slid but there was still doubt visible in his face.

I ran immediately to my bathroom and took a bath and debating again after on what clothes to wear. Upon searching, a text message was sent to me.

Dylan — Wear something blue. :-)

I took a peek from my window to see if he was in his room but the curtains were closed.

I end up choosing a blue wrap top and a white shorts along with my blue sneakers. So long, red days! I only put light powder on my face and cherry red lip tint for my lips and cheeks and put on some concealer to the scratches on my chin, left elbow and knee as well as the freaking mark Dylan left on my neck and put my hair up in a ponytail. I grabbed my black satchel and shoved my phone, wallet and keys inside. I waved goodbye to Jace before I went outside.

"What took you so long?" Dylan waited beside his motorcycle in front of our porch, wearing a blue v neck shirt and a denim pants and denim sneakers.

"What?" I frowned, "What are you doing here?" I asked him, realizing why he wanted me to wear something blue. What a cliché thing to do.

"Obviously picking you up?" He said while I walked towards him.

"Huh. So I guess I won't be needing my car today." I smiled as he handed me a helmet.

"No, you won't. Hop in."

"Where are we going? You're going the wrong way." I asked when he changed the route.

"You'll see, sunshine."

The ride was not that long. We arrived in front of a cozy looking restaurant from the outside.

"We're here." He said as he parked the motorcycle near the guard's station.

"We're going to eat here, right?" I took off his motorcycle and removed the helmet on my head. I mentally kicked myself for asking a stupid question. I noticed that I'm getting mentally violent.

"Not just to eat. It's more like our first date." He smiled.

We entered the restaurant hand in hand and a waitress greeted us and asked if we had a reservation.

"Sky." He beamed sweetly that made the receptionist smiled also. When did he made the reservation? Wow!

I scoffed as the waitress ushered us to our reserved table.

He helped me on my seat before he took his seat. The waitress handed over two menus and kept batting her lashes while taking glances on Dylan.

"If you guys are ready to take order you just call me, I'm Ayana." She leaned a bit forward to Dylan and continued batting her lashes.

I could not help but get a little furious from the sight but remained silent with composure and thank her when she left.

"Such a flirt." I eyed him.

"I didn't do anything." He shrugged.

"Aside from smiling sweetly from ear to ear, yes you didn't." I smiled sarcastically.

"Are you being jealous right now?" His eyes sparkled assuming that I was being jealous which I felt a bit.


"You don't need to worry about the girls that comes after me, talks to me or whatever. I give my smile to everyone but my heart and love to only one.. you." He said and took both my hands but he doesn't know he also took my breath away.

There he goes again. It was so easy for him to say that he loves me. As for me I do not even know if I really do. Of course I do like him. A lot. But I was not sure if what I felt was just an infatuation and something that would change into something bad or better in the future or if I already do love him.

The lunch date went almost perfect. Dylan made sure that Ayana knew that I'm the girlfriend. I ordered a lot of food but I could not finished it all so I forced Dylan to do so which made him so full after.

My phone kept on buzzing for a while and when I checked it, I got four messages:

Kiraaaa❤️ — r u already on ur way here hun? malia's getting worried u lost ur way.... lol

Emmmm❤️ — HEY U!!!! Wer dafuq R U???? Don tell me U R still asleep!!!! em gona burn ur pillows w U!!!!

BæFriend — Jadey, Malia's looking for u. Ur not lost ru?

BæFriend — Be safe on your way, love. Text me if anything goes wrong.

I shook my head after reading their text messages with a smile forming on my lips and sent them identical texts:

Me — I'll be there soon. 🙂

Uncontrollably FondTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon