Chapter 1

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My junior year just ended and the first morning my vacation just started. Another chapter of my life to be unfolded. All my life, I just wanted everything to be normal. A lovely, fun and enjoying life with full of contentment. But lots of things changed and I bet that it would be harder than I had expected and imagined.

Have you ever felt that something was missing? And whatever you do to fill up that space with something good it would always end up drained badly?

Well, I did. It's like a glass with a hole on the bottom.

Even before, keeping myself marvelously happy wasn't my cup of tea. Not that I don't want to, but whenever I get happy, bad things follow like magnets that were too attracted to one another.

It was barely 7:12 in the morning when I took a gaze on my red apple-shaped alarm clock laid on the pale yellow ochre end table beside my bed. I was initially interrupted from my slumber when I heard the children laughed out loud outside from the neighborhood.

Our neighborhood was totally a factory of kids. Many were productive, I could say.

I picked myself up from my bed that was embraced by a cream-colored bedding. Reluctantly, unwrapped myself from the duvet I was rolled into like a Japanese sushi and dragged my feet near my glass window. I took glances below and saw a hoard playing kites outside and some were running around with their young happy and energetic faces. It was so easy for them to be. Unlike me, a sixteen year old girl with too much stress to handle.

Don't get me wrong, I am no near the so called emotionally motivated people or near suicidal. I just have this whole bunch of misfortunes and a nag of shits with me. Nope, not literally. It was just like I was born to attract bad vibes and negativity.

I shook my head from side to side with the thought of children should still be asleep at those hours, indulge sleeping moments and regain all the strength they used since vacation already started.

I was brought back to reality when I heard my phone buzzed.

Annoying Ass
goodmorning neighbor!

I rolled my eyes in response and saw him smirking by his window, across my room and sending flying kisses. He was becoming weird lately and I didn't know why. He seemed sweet then annoying, gentleman then rude. He might be going crazy if I wasn't mistaken and I would gladly accompany him to see a psychiatrist if needed be.

Moving away from my window, I didn't even bothered replying to his message.

I lifted my arms up in air when I sat down one of my beanbags and stretched when I finally thought about school class endings. It made feel at ease knowing the fact the dreadful school days and those crazy school stuffs that kept annoying me would not be in present for a while.

Thank God alone who art in heaven, I would not be seeing them for a whole month and there would be no more Mrs. Collins' do this, finish that, help me with this and carry that for a while. She's my homeroom teacher who was addicted to green — no, not the color but the nature.

I hated it when she started to discuss what was it all about and all of her adventures that dealt with those 'greenly things'. I thought most of the times that she should just dye her hair green and make her pale skin tan. With that done she would absolutely look like a walking and talking tree. She's not even a science teacher. The greenie things were tad far to be discussed in an English literature class.

But what I hated most of her was when she direfully loved making those smart, brilliant ones fagged and kept on telling us, "This is a challenge! It's for your future!" Just the thought of her made me cringed and painful part was that I can't even complain about it. She's a school coordinator and I was scared that if I do complain, I'll lost some of the benefits I enjoyed in school, including borrowing the books in the library with no limitations and time recordings.

Uncontrollably FondМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя